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Total Commander 2.02 final for Android and Blackberry

Posted: 2013-06-20, 14:43 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Total Commander 2.02 final for Android is available now!

What's new?
- Show error message when setting timestamp via properties fails
- Show right to left file names left aligned to the icon, not right-aligned
- Hebrew translation
- Message boxes: Focus first button when invoking the function via a keyboard (not via touch)
- Pack files up to 4 GB-2 to ZIP, as long as the resulting archive is smaller than 4 GB
- Unpack files >2GB from ZIP archives (as long as the archive itself is smaller than 2GB)
- Verify ZIP file by giving /dev/null as the target for unpacking

Already in beta 3:
- MediaPlayer: Play track until the end, then add a new one via "Play (foreground)" -> both had the green note icon
- Initial support for OUYA game console: Launcher image and intent category, special button handling: U=Select, Y=Jump to button bar, O=Enter, A=Go up
- Load list of user+group ids in background thread (abortable)
- Ask user to re-mount file system as read+write when renaming a file, changing permissions, user id or group id in read only file system
- Play m3u and m3u8 files directly from the net (Tc MediaPlayer downloads them)
- Play mp4 and 3gp files from firefox (problem was that firefox doesn't send the MIME type)
- Delete files on SD-Cards on Android 3.0 or newer via Media API, so they also disappear from MTP connections
- Do not refresh complete media database only when copying single files, send single file notification instead
- Refresh media database also after creating or removing directories
- Background transfer with plugin, plugin calls callback expecting a result -> Show notification to bring TC to the foreground
- Blackberry Playbook: Always open APK files as ZIP (cannot install)
- MediaPlayer: Clicking on track name in notification area activated player but didn't close notification on Android 4.0 (OK on 3.0/4.1/4.2)
- Context menu items "Add to queue" and "Add selected to queue": Do not start playing
- Context menu item "Add to queue" also for video files
- MediaPlayer: While paused, add files to queue from main program -> player started playing next track by mistake
- Could not play media files if the path contained character "#" (reason: problem with Uri.parse function)

Already in beta 2:
- Converted to Blackberry .BAR archive (runs in the Android environment of Blackberry 10 and Playbook)
- Overwrite dialog: Allow to rename file if target exists. Supported functions: copy, move, uploads, downloads, pack, unpack
- File open dialog: Put activity in a separate task (with android:taskAffinity) so TC doesn't get reactivated after invoking the dialog from a different app
- File open dialog: Set cursor in listbox at start to prevent the keyboard from opening automatically
- Internal associations: No icon shown for file with mixed case extension, e.g. .tXt if association is for .txt
- Associations of type android:pathPattern not working in Links/Widgets to TC on the Android launcher screen
- Ringtone picker: Return "content:" URL instead of "file:" URL on newer Android versions >=11
- MediaPlayer: Save last position in files longer than 10 minutes, except when within the first or last 10 seconds (useful for movies and e-books)

Already in beta 1:
- Security fix: Disallow access to ContentProvider, except for the files requested via "get content" dialog, e.g. when attaching a file in mail
- Plugins: Support callbacks to change or refresh current directory (needed for new USB stick plugin)
- New manifest entry for custom roms to inform user that TC supports root functions: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.Access_SUPERUSER" />
- Handle headset buttons play/pause, next, previous (only tested with app "Tactile Player" so far, no real headset)
- Text for screen readers for buttons in Media Player (English only so far)
- Put cursor behind name in rename, copy/move and pack dialogs
- Detect unusual mount points used on some devices
- Display of setuid, setgid and sticky bit wrong: Should be lowercase if execute is set, not if it's not set. Sticky should be a 't', not an 's'.
- Internal associations: Support double extensions like "", e.g. associated with FBReader (the icons cannot currently reflect this, sorry)
- Show both "Open with" and "Open as" in menu when trying to launch a file witout association
- Handle associations of files without MIME type, e.g. android:pathPattern=".*\\.ext", but exclude invalid entries where android:scheme or android:host is missing
- MediaPlayer: Show play/pause and next buttons directly in notification (Android 3.0 or newer)

The history of changes can now be found here:

There will be updates to the plugins too during the next few days, but the existing plugins will continue to work.

Here is all the information you need to install:

You can download TC from us directly and install it on your device. If this is your first installation of TC for Android, please open the "Settings" app of your Android device and go to the "Applications" page. Here you need to allow apps from "Unknown Sources".

Now there are three ways to install Total Commander:

1. If you read this page on your Android device, just click on this link:

2. If you read this page on your PC, and have a barcode scanner app installed on your Android device, double click on the following QR code, then scan it with your phone to start the download. You can get a barcode App by searching for barcode in the market. Personally I'm using the app "Barcode Scanner" by ZXing Team, it's a very simple one, which is open source, so it should be safe.

3. Finally you can of course type in the above link by hand in the web browser of your device.

On some devices, you need to go to apps - downloads to install, clicking on the .apk in the notification area may fail.

The blackberry version is available here:

Please post your bug reports and suggestions here in the forum!

Thanks for your help!

Best regards

Christian Ghisler