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Streaming issue in TC Media Player while accessing Dropbox

Posted: 2013-08-02, 11:22 UTC
by piter_mg

I'm using on Android 4.1 (JB) Total Commander and Dropbox apps (both in the latest versions).

Whenever I try to open any MP3 from my Dropbox application, it opens automatically TC Media Player application to stream the file. Unfortunately it doesn't even start to play. I can see the file name and link, but nothing happens.

I'm not sure whether this is the TC issue or Dropbox problem, but without TC installed, Dropbox normally streams media files in other app.

Do you have any idea what might be going wrong? I'd be very grateful for help or suggestion what to check.


Posted: 2013-08-05, 07:56 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
This is a known bug in the media player which will be fixed in the next release: Dropbox is using encrypted (https) streams, which the player cannot handle yet. Please contact me by e-mail (support at ghisler dot com) if you would like to test a pre-release version.

Posted: 2013-08-06, 16:18 UTC
by Number99
Great! I've been having the same problem, but nice to see that there is a solution coming. :-)

Posted: 2013-08-07, 19:26 UTC
by piter_mg
Yes! I've contacted Christian and now I am testing this prerelease version :-) I must admit that streaming from dropbox seems to be working fine :-D

Posted: 2013-08-08, 08:11 UTC
by Number99
Glad to hear it! :)

Posted: 2013-11-29, 07:26 UTC
by McConnor
Thanks for this invaluable classic piece of software for android.

I downloaded the public to circumvent the streaming problem in the final. I was nonetheless wondering where to set the behaviour that dropbox opens TC Media Player. Prior to the installation of TC I used my standard music app to play back dropbox media files.

But in Settings-App Manager where I usually can set Standard apps the TC Media Player is not listed an none of the TC Entries has any standard settings to it! So how could I chose another media player over TC Media Player in Dropbox?

Posted: 2013-11-29, 16:17 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
You need to install a software which tells the system that it supports the file format you need. Apparently the standard music app does NOT, so Dropbox only proposes it when no other player is installed.