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Total Commander 2.04 public beta 1 for Android

Posted: 2013-12-13, 16:38 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Total Commander 2.04 public beta 1 for Android is available now!

WARNING: This is a beta version! Please make a backup of your data/SD-Card before using it!

What's new in beta 1?
- Cyanogenmod 11: Copy as root from/to /storage/emulated/0 not working -> redirect to /mnt/sdcard
- Root mode, Editor: Load file where the permissions wouldn't allow it, by copying it to a temporary folder and loading it from there
- Android 4.3+4.4, Editor: Could not save to read only partition when write was granted via RW button
- Android 4.4: Copying as root could result in incomplete targets, MUST call fflush before fclose
- Changing the master password didn't work (the plugins still expected the old master password)
- Associations by extension not working when field mimeType="*/*" was missing -> handle both
- Passing a new path to TC via intent didn't refresh the list if this was already the current directory
- Android 4.4: "Open With" and "Send to" broken -> implement our own dialog with more features
- Create directory in read only folder -> re-mount dialog not going away, must be closed with "Cancel"

The history of changes can now be found here:

The plugins do not need to be updated for this beta.

Here is all the information you need to install:

The beta is not available in the play store because it's not possible to host a final version and beta version at the same time.

You can download TC from us directly and install it on your device. If this is your first installation of TC for Android, please open the "Settings" app of your Android device and go to the "Applications" page. Here you need to allow apps from "Unknown Sources".

Now there are three ways to install Total Commander for Android:

1. If you read this page on your Android device, just click on this link:

2. If you read this page on your PC, and have a barcode scanner app installed on your Android device, double click on the following QR code, then scan it with your phone to start the download. You can get a barcode App by searching for barcode in the market. Personally I'm using the app "Barcode Scanner" by ZXing Team, it's a very simple one, which is open source, so it should be safe.

3. Finally you can of course type in the above link by hand in the web browser of your device.

On some devices, you need to go to apps - downloads to install, clicking on the .apk in the notification area may fail.

The blackberry version has been discontinued because I cannot access my developer account. They changed the login to Blackberry ID, but login to the developer account is no longer possible.

Please post your bug reports and suggestions here in the forum!

Thanks for your help!

Best regards

Christian Ghisler