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Two questions about TC

Posted: 2014-01-13, 10:14 UTC
by Xtrician
1. Is there built-in image viewer?

2. Can i create txt file or other files via TC?

Thanks :)

Re: Two questions about TC

Posted: 2014-01-13, 14:33 UTC
by seb-
Xtrician wrote:Hi,
1. Is there built-in image viewer?
You have to use an Lister Plugin (in(?)offialTC Plugin repository) (or ), for example Imagine

Xtrician wrote: 2. Can i create txt file or other files via TC?
default shortcut for creating empty textfiles should be SHIFT + F4, see Helpfile:
SHIFT+F4 Create new text file and load into editor

Posted: 2014-01-13, 14:37 UTC
by Xtrician
Thank you for your response. But im talking about the Android version

Posted: 2014-01-13, 16:24 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
1. No.
2. Yes, make a long click on the "Go Up" file list item, and choose to create a new file.

Posted: 2014-01-15, 07:24 UTC
by seb-
Xtrician wrote:Hi,
Thank you for your response. But im talking about the Android version

Naahh... Sorry.. i always forget to check which forum the question has been asked in ;-)