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[BUG] Option "show hidden files"

Posted: 2014-01-20, 12:50 UTC
by mandonline
When I uncheck the option "show hidden files", directories and files starting with a "." are hidden on the internal SD card. On the external SD, (/storage/extSdCard) they are not hidden.
Tested with latest stable and beta version of TC on Samsung i9300, Android 4.3.

Posted: 2014-01-20, 15:20 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Yes, this option currently only works for the internal SD card.

Posted: 2014-01-24, 18:14 UTC
by tha_Playa
I guess its a related, if not the same topic anyway, so i'll post it here:

Manually ignored Files (with or without complete path) are not hidden on the SD-Card. Works fine on internal storage.

Android 4.3 Golden (CyanodenMod) @ Samsung Galaxy S3 mini (gt-i8190).

I'd appreciate it if you found time to implement that in some future version!

Posted: 2014-01-26, 14:42 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Do you mean the external sd card? Currently this option only works for the internal card, which is "spammed" by a lot of hidden folders from various programs.

Posted: 2014-01-26, 15:13 UTC
by tha_Playa
Yes, the external SD-Card. Should have clarified that, sorry.
Im trying to get rid of the folder LOST.DIR. Im deleting it constantly but it keeps being created, sitting there, staring and laughing at me with all its emptyness.

Posted: 2014-02-17, 18:22 UTC
by 77kdv77
leave this folder alone. do not try to delete it. this folder is created automatically when sd card/usb stick is mounted

Posted: 2014-02-17, 19:10 UTC
by tha_Playa
Thanks for the advice!
I don't want to delete it, but I also don't want to see it ;) That's where the hide-functionality would come in handy.
As I mentioned, deleting is futile anyway, since it spawns again constantly.

Posted: 2014-03-05, 11:50 UTC
by VeronicaEllis
just write this in the terminal: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE and hold option while hold left click on the finder icon, it should say "relaunch finder" or after the command type KillAll Finder.... it worked for my ive been trying to hide them the old way which was defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO but didnt worked.
I think you should use any tool which can show system files mac.