64-bit equivalent to VisualDirSize?

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

You can do the following:
1. Install the combined 32-bit+64-bit version of Total Commander.
2. Run TC 64-bit as usual
3. Go to menu Configuration - Options - Viewer/Editor
4. As default viewer, enter:
c:\totalcmd\totalcmd.exe /S=L "%1"
5. Now you can view folders with Alt+F3 in the 32-bit Lister, and with F3 in the internal 64-bit Lister. Alternatively, you can configure TC to open the external Lister with F3 on the same configuration page.

Of course this doesn't work for Ctrl+Q.
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Post by *petermad »

Of course this doesn't work for Ctrl+Q.
And unfortunately Ctrl+Q mode is the most sensible way to use the current (32bit) VisualDirSize
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Post by *milkaca »

ghisler(Author) wrote:2nsp
You can do the following:
1. Install the combined 32-bit+64-bit version of Total Commander.
2. Run TC 64-bit as usual
3. Go to menu Configuration - Options - Viewer/Editor
4. As default viewer, enter:
c:\totalcmd\totalcmd.exe /S=L "%1"
5. Now you can view folders with Alt+F3 in the 32-bit Lister, and with F3 in the internal 64-bit Lister. Alternatively, you can configure TC to open the external Lister with F3 on the same configuration page.

Of course this doesn't work for Ctrl+Q.
You can also add button in button bar:
1. Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe
2. Parameters: /S=L "%P%O"
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Post by *kk_in_zdf »

After more than 2 years of patience: are there any hopes for a 64-bit-version of VisualDirSize plugin or was the project shut down?
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Post by *petermad »

You could try https://totalcmd.net/plugring/dirsizecalc_charts.html - it does not have as many features as VisualDirSize thouigh
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Post by *qfbtc »

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Post by *qfbtc »

(first, please overlook my bad English, and thank Internet for translation)

First: we must install plugin VisualDirSize by Total Commander 32-bit.


According to idea of amilino, i think we can use VisualDirSize with Alt+Q like Ctrl+Q (about 1/5):
We can combine 3 features:
  • 1. Start menu
  • 2. Hotkey
  • 3. Save position of Lister
  • A. Create user menu item in Start menu to run VisualDirSize
1. Go to: menu Start > Change Start Menu...
2. Add item with title: View by Visual&DirSize
(&D: so we can press Alt+S+D to run VisualDirSize)
3. Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe
(note: totalcmd.exe is 32-bit version)
4. Parameters: /S=L "%P%O"
  • B. Define hotkey executes that user menu item
1. Go to: menu Configuration > Options... > Misc. > Redefine hotkeys
2. Select Alt + Q
3. Command: cm_UserMenu1
(note: You can press 🔍... > User > cm_UserMenu1
The user menu item created in step A is the first one of list)

  • C. Save position of Lister window like quick view mode (when press Ctrl+Q)
1. Select 1 folder in left window
2. Press Alt+Q
3. Resize and move Lister window to fit right window (include the box display current path of right window)
4. In Lister window, go to: menu Options > Save position
Result of step C:
Pros: when you view many folders in a short work session
Cons: you must press Esc to close Lister window for each time press Alt+Q; when you in right window, you should press Ctrl+U to swap window

You can skip step C

In step C, you can do more: show cursor when target window or Total Commander window lost focus:
1. Go to: menu Configuration > Change Settings File Directly
2. Below [Configuration], add: InactiveFocus=1
(feature InactiveFocus appeared from Total Commander 8.0 public beta 8 or later, read more InactiveFocus in Help: press F1 > Configuration and Switches > Ini file Settings > InactiveFocus)

2018/05/29, Total Commander (x64) 9.12, Windows 10 64-bit

Love Total Commander. :D

[12345678.123] Long post. But it's not over yet. [12345678.123] :(

[face=timesnewroman]THE PROBLEMS APPEAR AND WORKAROUND[/face]

2petermad, amilino and ghisler(Author)

* We have 4 folders and 2 files with structure:

Code: Select all

folder 1: D:\ATest
folder 2: D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2
folder 3: D:\B Test
folder 4: D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4
file 1: D:\1filenameA.txt
file 2: D:\2 file name B.txt
  • P1. Problem: Folder name has dot (period) and the parameter %O
_ Select folder 1, press Alt+Q, it's OK.
_ Select folder 3, press Alt+Q, it's OK.
_ Select folder 2, press Alt+Q, VisualDirSize notices:
File not found!

Why? :?: Because of parameter %O in step A.4.
Now in step A.2, we press button Help to open help "Dialog box: Change start menu", in section Paramaters, we look into:
%P , %N , %O , %E and the Notes:
%P causes the source path to be inserted into the command line, including a backslash (\) at the end.
%N places the filename under the cursor into the command line.
%T inserts the current target path. Especially useful for packers.
%M places the current filename in the target directory into the command line.
%O places the current filename without extension into the command line.
%E places the current extension (without leading period) into the command line.
Notes: %N and %M insert the long name, while %n and %m insert the DOS alias name (8.3).
According the word "filename" in that help, I think Total Commander (from here, I call TC) behaves file and folder the same. I think TC behaves as Windows Explorer.
Because i has limited knowledge, so, at here I do not mention:
[1] "archives, FTPs (handled by Linux servers) and Linux filesystems (available through WFX plugins)" (from post "Problems with dots at the end of file names", link: i cannot post URL)
[2] further about naming file, directory (base file name and optional extension; a directory is simply a file with a special attribute designating it as a directory) (topic "Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces", link: i cannot post URL)
[3] about a filename can have multiple extensions (Filename Extension Definition, link: i cannot post URL)
  • W1. Workaround for P1: Use the parameter %N instead of %O
Now we change in step A.4, parameters: /S=L "%P%N"
  • P2. Problem: Long name (include space, &, ...) of file or folder and the parameter %N
With W1:
_ Select folder 1, press Alt+Q, it's OK.
_ Select folder 2, press Alt+Q, it's OK.
_ Select folder 3, press Alt+Q, VisualDirSize notices:
File not found!

Why? :?: Because of analysing the parameter %N of TC.

D. Do more: create user menu item to open file text with Notepad
1. Go to: menu Start > Change Start Menu...
2. Add item with title: Open with &Notepad
(we can press Alt+S+N to run Notepad)
3. Command: %$Windows%\notepad.exe
4. Parameters: "%P%N"

_ Select file 1, press Alt+S+N, it's OK.
_ Select file 2, press Alt+S+N, Notepad notices:

Cannot find the .txt file.
Do you want to create a new file?
I think this is an error of TC. TC should fix error analysing parameter %N when meet long name (include space, &, ...) of file and folder.
  • W2. Workaround for P1: Use %O.%E instead of %O
Now we change in:
step A.4, parameters: /S=L "%P%O.%E"
step D.4, parameters: "%P%O.%E"
With W2, we have pros:
If the name of folder does not have any dot then there is a period at the end of name display on title bar of Lister window and in VisualDirSize:

Code: Select all

Folder                      Lister                          VisualDirSize
D:\ATest                    [D:\ATest.]                     D:\ATest.\
D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2        [D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2]          D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2\
D:\B Test                   [D:\B Test.]                    D:\B Test.\
D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4   [D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4]     D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4\
  • S1. Suggestion for W2: Define a new parameter %EFULL beside %E
We know that the last dot (period) in long name separates base name and extension.
If: %E places the current extension (without leading period) into the command line.
Then: %EFULL will places the current extension with leading period into the command line.

When: name of file does not have any dot
If: %E refer to blank string.
Then: %EFULL refer to blank string too, without period.

Now we change in:
step A.4, parameters: /S=L "%P%O%EFULL"
step D.4, parameters: "%P%O%EFULL"
And result:

Code: Select all

Folder                      Lister                          VisualDirSize
D:\ATest                    [D:\ATest]                      D:\ATest\
D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2        [D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2]          D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2\
D:\B Test                   [D:\B Test]                     D:\B Test\
D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4   [D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4]     D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4\
* Recommends:
When you use VisualDirSize by button in button bar, I think it like as user menu item in Star menu.
But if you want to use drag and drop feature (drag file/folder to a button) then we need adjustment.
  • E. Create button in button bar to run VisualDirSize
Add button 1 with
1. Command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe
2. Parameters: /S=L "%P%O.%E"
4. Icon: 36 (has word KB)
  • R1. Recommend: Use "fixed parameters" in Command instead in Parameters
_ Select folder 1, then drag and drop on that button.
_ TC open new instance with source path is folder 1.
This not thing we want.

Now in step E.1, press button Help to open help "Dialog box: Configuration - Change button bar", we look into Command and Parameters:
1. You may specify the program to be run, including its search path. You can also specify fixed parameters here.
Here you can specify command line parameters. Fixed parameters must be specified directly after the file name, because otherwise, in a Drag&Drop, only the file name would be given to the program.
Special parameters:
? as the first parameter causes a Dialog box to be displayed before starting the program, containing the following parameters. You can change the parameters before starting the program. You can even prevent the program's execution.
%P causes the source path to be inserted into the command line, including a backslash (\) at the end.
So, %P is one of special parameters.

What is fixed parameters? In TC, press F1 > Configuration and Switches > Command line parameters > Parameters.
One of them is: /S=L

Now we change in:
step A.3, command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe /S=L
step A.4, parameters: "%P%O%.%E"
step E.4, command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe /S=L
step E.4, parameters: "%P%O%.%E"
  • R2. Recommend: Full path of program in Command should be surrounded by double quotes (with feature drag/drop)
_ In turn, select 4 folders and drag then drop on that button 1, result:

Code: Select all

Folder                      Lister                         VisualDirSize
D:\ATest                    [D:\ATest]                     D:\ATest\
D:\ATest\Head2.Tail2        [D:\ATest\HEAD2~1.TAI]         D:\ATest\HEAD2~1.TAI\
D:\B Test                   [D:\BTEST~1]                   D:\D:\BTEST~1\
D:\B Test\Sur4.Mid4.Fore4   [D:\BTEST~1\SUR4MI~1.FOR]      D:\BTEST~1\SUR4MI~1.FOR\
Now we change in:
step E.4, parameters: "%COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe" /S=L

With feature drag/drop, I think TC does not use Parameters: "%P%O%.%E".
TC will use the full path (with long name) of the first file/folder (by current sort order) in list files/folders marked (red color by default), not the file/folder under cursor.
This is the same as parameter "%1" in menu Configuration > Option > Edit/View > Default: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe /S=L "%1"


:lol: But when i finish this post, i find that: i can define hotkey for cm_List (View with Lister). So from idea of:
ghisler(Author) wrote:2nsp
You can do the following:
1. Install the combined 32-bit+64-bit version of Total Commander.
2. Run TC 64-bit as usual
3. Go to menu Configuration - Options - Viewer/Editor
4. As default viewer, enter:
c:\totalcmd\totalcmd.exe /S=L "%1"
5. Now you can view folders with Alt+F3 in the 32-bit Lister, and with F3 in the internal 64-bit Lister. Alternatively, you can configure TC to open the external Lister with F3 on the same configuration page.

Of course this doesn't work for Ctrl+Q.
6. Set hotkey: Alt+Q for cm_List

That is the most simple method, and i don't meet any problem.

Additonal, DirSizeCalc Charts 1.10 has enough basic feature.

2018/05/30, Total Commander (x64) 9.12, Windows 10 64-bit

Love Total Commander :!:
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Post by *qfbtc »

I wrote something wrong and not clear in previous post.

In recommend R1 and R2, change all:
(reduce 1 letter % before dot)

Not clear:
In recommend R1:
So, %P is one of special parameters.
And, /S=L is fixed parameter.
Which are fixed parameters? They are parameters of programs in Command (/S=L is of TC, /C is of cmd.exe, ...)
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Post by *qfbtc »

Again, something are wrong and not clear.

In recommend R1, change into:
Now we change in:
step A.3, command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe /S=L
step A.4, parameters: "%P%O.%E"
step E.1, command: %COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe /S=L
step E.2, parameters: "%P%O.%E"

and in recommend R2, change into:
Now we change in:
step E.1, command: "%COMMANDER_PATH%\totalcmd.exe" /S=L

With feature drag/drop, I think TC does not use Parameters: "%P%O.%E".

*Not clear:
In recommend R2, the reason is the path of program TC is long name (when include space, ...)

Code: Select all

D:\Portable\TC 9.12 portable\TOTALCMD64.EXE
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[SOLVED] Re: 64-bit equivalent to VisualDirSize?

Post by *CraZ_CZ »

Hi all,
it's possible to do it by installing these two addons:
The first one adds support for extra metadata/columns. The latter displays directory sizes in a graphical way.

IMPORTANT: Both addons must be installed in the same directory, so you have to change the directory of the second one to the same as for the first one:

Code: Select all

Image: https://imgur.com/DpPAUj3
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