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Move file to parent folder (input "..")

Posted: 2015-06-12, 04:11 UTC
by BeckYang
Steps to reproduce:
1. Select file and click "copy/move"
2. Input ".." in folder name
3. Click "move"
TC for Android will try to re-mount file system. If I click "yes", the file will move to root folder.

Please verify, thank you.

Posted: 2015-06-15, 13:21 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Relative paths aren't currently supported. Try setting the target in the other panel first. I will check whether I can support them.

Posted: 2015-06-22, 02:01 UTC
by BeckYang
The class offer methods getCanonical????() which can return absolute unique file path. It could resovle the ".." and other symbols.
For example: new File("/mnt/sdcard/bluetooth/misc", "..").getCanonicalPath()
will return "/mnt/sdcard/bluetooth"

But I'm not sure it also work on Android platform. This could be a possible solution.