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Separate panel sort setting for FTLed Dups search results

Posted: 2015-11-05, 18:26 UTC
by DrShark
When pressing Feed to listbox after search for Duplicates, the groups of files (those with dashed line as divider) in panel always become sorted by setting defined for panel. When I try then to sort search results by other criteria, it breaks groups of files. This happens often since I often change the sorting to another defined by plugin field.

So I suggest to add a separate Total Commander panel sorting setting (with auto-saving if changed) active only when results of Search for Duplicates are on the panel.

Re: Separate panel sort setting for FTLed Dups search results

Posted: 2021-04-05, 21:00 UTC
by DrShark
Actually there could be several commands to set the order of groups by different creteria, e.g.:
A-Z/Z-A sort of groups by A-Z/Z-A sort within each group - by filenames in group or by paths in group;
by smallest/largest file in each group;
by number of duplicates in each duplicates group;
by combined size of files within each duplicates group;

This can be comined with sort by above criterias (when could be applied) for files in each group, so if we have e.g. following duplicate groups:
dupnameA1 c:\
dupnameA2 d:\
dupnameA3 e:\
dupnameB1 c:\
dupnameB2 d:\
dupnameB3 f:\

we could apply a command like:
to sort the files in each group by size,
and another command, like cm_SortDupGroupsByFiileSize,
to sort the groups by largest/smallest file in each.

Maybe it could be a good option to use default and custom columns for sorting by file properties within each duplicate group, so this way sorting by columns wouldn't break the groups.

Re: Separate panel sort setting for FTLed Dups search results

Posted: 2021-04-25, 20:11 UTC
by Usher
I would add sort order to "Find files" dialog window. When you press "Feed to listbox", you can use Num+ to see needed files.