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A command to show Choose Plugin Property dialog

Posted: 2018-04-02, 10:23 UTC
by DrShark
A "Choose Plugin Property" dialog, currenly accessible by pressing of [[=?] Plugin] button in Multi-Rename Tool, as well as from some other TC dialogs, is good to quickly check what content plugin(s) properties are available for a file under cursor without a need to make a custom column set. An internal command to launch this dialog directly for file under cursor would be a perfect solution for such quick task.

Re: A command to show Choose Plugin Property dialog

Posted: 2021-06-26, 12:43 UTC
by DrShark
If some way would be implemented to call Choose Plugin Property dialog independently, it could be even modified a bit to work in standalon way to offer more features:

1. In additon or instead of to OK button (which in this case obviously would just close the dialog), it could offer "Copy" button to copy the value chosen plugin for file under cursor.

2. It could also offer Up/Down buttons to move the file cursor while the "Choose Plugin Property" dialog is opened,
so user could see/copy some plugin values for different files quickly

3. In a new separate tab of that dialog, TC could the "info cards" with sets of wdx plugin values for the file under cursor, which TC could take from sources already existing custom columns, tooltip or Find Files presets with plugin values etc.

Maybe for wdx plugins with values write capability, in such cards the values could be edited directly.

if dialog will look like that, this way it could offer benefits for other places when it is used, for example I thik it will be easier to choose some plugin value for MRT or Change Attributes dialog from mentioned infocard preset than from the list of all available plugins (not even sorted alphabetically in Choose Plugin Property dialog) and all their fields.

Above suggestions, if implemented, will offer access to content plugin values in a way alternative to toolips (user can't copy anything from a tooltip) or custom columns (can take a lot of time for all selected files, and not always there is a need to see the values of all the columns of cartain column set).