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About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-05, 08:51 UTC
by jpyllman
If one of the directories is a network directory that requires login it will ask for login. If this happens during startup of Total commander when the About popup is active the About popup will never close and you only see the network login if you move the About popup.

This is TC 9.2x, including the latest rc, on windows 10 with the IgnoreDirErrors=1 flag set in wincmd.ini.

Re: About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-05, 09:18 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Unfortunately this cannot be avoided, sorry - the network login comes from Windows, not TC. You can remove the about popup in the registered version, though.

Re: About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-05, 12:48 UTC
by jpyllman
So this means you always wait for a working refresh of the directories before closing the about popup at start?? It can not be on a timeout too? I normally make sure I do not have network drive open when I close down since that also make starting take longer. But sometimes you forget.

This is not a super important thing. It is just an annoying thing. But when the number of annoying things gets to big it will be a super important thing, Just saying. I have a registered version. So I can turn off the popup at startup. But sometimes I am little bit proud to show others that I actually have a registered version. Compared to many others.

Re: About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-05, 19:44 UTC
by petermad
But sometimes I am little bit proud to show others that I actually have a registered version. Compared to many others.
Your name is still in the title, when you are registered - also with StartupScreen=0 :-)

Re: About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-06, 06:55 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Actually you can turn off the saving of network paths via
Configuration - Options - Refresh - Do not remember these drives on exit:
Here you can enter a backslash for UNC paths like \\server\share, or one or more drive letters for mapped network drives.

Btw, you can still dismiss the 1-2-3 registration dialog while the network password dialog is behind it, at least on Windows 10.

Re: About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-08, 16:14 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I think I found a solution now: I'm delaying the connection to the network drive until the user has clicked one of the buttons 1,2,or 3. This way, there will also be no password dialog behind the 1-2-3 dialog.

Re: About popup stay infront of network login at startup

Posted: 2018-08-15, 19:39 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
This should be fixed in TC 9.21 final, please test it!