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Linux version or not?

Posted: 2003-03-27, 10:55 UTC
by rjpa
I've posted a thread in the English forum: HERE!

Please make your vote...



Posted: 2004-03-03, 13:14 UTC
by haya
Although i managed to run TC in Linux with WINE, it'll be great if there was a native Linux version of TC.It'll help a lot the Linux comunity !

Posted: 2004-03-05, 14:36 UTC
by IGL
YES YES YES! TC will rule the world! Linux & TC - the best for your PC!

Posted: 2004-03-15, 10:32 UTC
by DarkPunk
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Absolutely Yes!

Posted: 2004-03-16, 10:54 UTC
by Jonas
Before you use a castrated TC under WINE you may want to give Krusader a try (I recommend the latest cvs-version)

Posted: 2004-03-22, 07:30 UTC
by ruymbeke
Have you seen this ?

Fingers Crossed

Posted: 2004-05-06, 06:59 UTC
by steve_3199
Only problem if TC went Linux, it wouldnt fit in cas it wouldnt be open-source :wink:

Although TC gives me a Linux-feel in windows, maybe it will happen when ghisler develops certain parts of the program more it will become easier for him to port, but i find that TC gives me some of the stuff windows is missing without installing a whole heap of useless and slow crap that i may never use again

Posted: 2004-05-07, 01:19 UTC
by Genghis86
I doubt this would happen

Posted: 2004-05-07, 01:21 UTC
by Genghis86
Krusader looks very promising though

Posted: 2004-05-15, 12:13 UTC
by steve_3199
If Linis Torvalds thought that way when he developed Linux, that it would never get anywhere, do you think he would of gotten this far, seeing that Microsoft is now porting there software to Linux to increase there lead in the market (article in Linux FORMAT)
I guess if enough people want something, they get it, and Linux is a good example of that

Posted: 2004-05-28, 22:39 UTC
by giulix
I've got samba running on my linux box and I am pretty satisfied with that. I do a lot of file house-keeping from my windoze box to the Linux one with TC ;)
Sure, a Linux port would make it possible also for anybody not running windoze to use it. It doesn't need to be part of Linux, it can still be an excellent shareware program to buy and install on the platform of your choice and I think it will get there, sooner or later.

Posted: 2004-06-06, 01:47 UTC
by mastabog
steve_3199 wrote:If Linis Torvalds thought that way when he developed Linux, that it would never get anywhere, do you think he would of gotten this far, seeing that Microsoft is now porting there software to Linux to increase there lead in the market (article in Linux FORMAT)
I guess if enough people want something, they get it, and Linux is a good example of that
First, its Linus Torvalds (perhaps a typo). Second, maybe if Linus Torvalds was thinking more when he developed Linux (ported Unix to PCs, but still), now Linux would have gotten half as far as M$ has gone and the world would use Linux at least 1/5 as they use Windows and Christian Ghisler would have coded his WinCmd/TotalCmd for Linux instead of Windows (as well as Adobe and many many others). Is there anyone with no windows at all on their machine?, cus i know there are with no linux :)

Frankly, i couldn't even conceive doing my daily tasks in Linux/Unix .. it lacks a very big "feature" i need: productivity. Nevertheless, I would be more than happy to have wincmd (cant get used to total commander after all those years of wincmd :)) running on my linux servers (yes, i do intensively use linux too). I do cast my vote for having a linux version, although i know it has been tried and also going open-source is not seen as "profitable".

I agree that krusader looks promising. After 1 more year it might be something close to TC.

steve_3199 wrote:Although TC gives me a Linux-feel in windows...
Uhmm ...


Posted: 2004-06-06, 02:14 UTC
by Clo
:) Hello !

• Philosophically and pratically correct, I agree for all .

{ Off-topic : keep an eye on your download… }

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2004-06-08, 18:42 UTC
by Jonas
mastabog wrote:Is there anyone with no windows at all on their machine?
Well, I am ;), at leat during the last 9 months - and I've never considered going back....

I'm not going to comment the rest of your post because it would only end up in flame-war of which the web is already full enough... Windows is, and will rest, for a long time the OS no. 1 for home-PC's, that's a fact. But I don't know if there also will be the need for a Linux-TC over this long time...
mastabog wrote:I agree that krusader looks promising. After 1 more year it might be something close to TC.
Please consulte our forum, tell us what you're missing and we will implement it as soon as we got the time to do so (if there is no good reason against it I go so far to promise that!)

Posted: 2004-10-21, 06:08 UTC
by pyc
Genghis86 wrote:Krusader looks very promising though
Yes, but it's still nothing compared to TC. I cannot imagine working with files without vertical arrangement, it's the on big advancement.....

TC is probably the #1 reason, and very likely the only reason I'm using Windows today....

Ghisler, if you read this, PLEASE, make Linux version. Too much people is needing it!!