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Feature request: 'Next difference position' in 'Compare contents'

Posted: 2020-05-11, 01:41 UTC
by pakosan
Another humble request to add an option to be able to set the position where the next (or previous) difference is scrolled to.

As present, the next difference is shown as the 3rd line, hiding the context/scope above that point.

Scroll to center would also be an improvement.

Thank you, as always.

Re: Feature request: 'Next difference position' in 'Compare contents'

Posted: 2020-05-11, 03:38 UTC
by pakosan
The spam is out of control

Re: Feature request: 'Next difference position' in 'Compare contents'

Posted: 2020-05-11, 14:33 UTC
by petermad

A parameter that works like SearchGoBack in the [Lister] section would do it for me.