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Unable to open for viewing/editing 3Mb+ files

Posted: 2020-06-11, 12:36 UTC
by Digika
According to htop I have ~1.92GB memory free but TC dies when I attempt to open anything above 2-3Mb for editing. What could be the issue?

Re: Unable to open for viewing/editing 3Mb+ files

Posted: 2020-06-11, 13:33 UTC
by Hacker
AFAIR the used Android edit control is very limited in this regard.


Re: Unable to open for viewing/editing 3Mb+ files

Posted: 2020-06-12, 07:50 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
It's a limit I set myself, sorry. The Android edit control becomes MUCH slower once the file size gets above about 1-2MB - not only loading the data, but also scrolling and editing. Writing my own edit control would be very time consuming, I don't have that free time now. Try opening the file with a word processor like MS Office for Android or some other office suite which doesn't use the Android edit control.