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[TC 9.51] Drag'n'Drop does not work from second TC window

Posted: 2020-10-31, 09:20 UTC
by Sektor
I have checked this behavior on different programs (for instance, SQL Server Management Studio, Atom), and here's what I get: drag and drop does not work from the second TC window. If I drag and drop from main (first) window, everything is fine.

Re: [TC 9.51] Drag'n'Drop does not work from second TC window

Posted: 2020-10-31, 09:42 UTC
by gdpr deleted 6
What do you mean by saying "second TC window" and "main (first) window"? I am not sure how i should intepret your description.

TC has only one window (aside from dialogs and windows of tools such as the Multi-Rename Tool window or Synchronize directories window, for instance). TC's single window is mostly made of two file panels (left/right file panel), each of them can be the active panel (depending which one has the active cursor in it).

I guess you refer to those panels when saying "window", and i guess you perhaps refer to the active panel (the one with the cursor before starting the drag operation) as the "main window". But i find there is too much ambiguity in your description for me to have confidence in my guesses...

Re: [TC 9.51] Drag'n'Drop does not work from second TC window

Posted: 2020-10-31, 16:20 UTC
by petermad
What do you mean by saying "second TC window" and "main (first) window"?
I gues Sektor means differnt instances of TC...?

2Sektor Is the second instance of your TC perhaps running in elevated (administrator) mode? - because that could be the reason.