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Syncronizing paths on server and local machine

Posted: 2021-04-12, 10:42 UTC
by mSnus
It would be great to have an ability to sync paths while working with remote server (FTP or SecureFTP plugin).
That's not about 'syncronous browsing' or 'setting one panel equal to other'.

I'll try to explain below. Let's suppose we have opened the following paths and are focused on the left panel:
on server (left panel):
on local (right panel):
e:\me\projects\some project\local\templates\mytemplate\components\bitrix\catalog.section.list\diary\lang\en\

The idea is to create button that will find the corresponding path on server and change to this directory:
1) find the first matching part of path - that's local, treat it as 'root' of sync
2) perform change to the directory before this match, /www
3) perform change to all consequitive directories, so the resulting path will be

And if we're focused on remote machine, local path should be syncronized the same way.

This will save a lot of time finding the corresponding paths that sometimes look too similar to the eye and save from making errors of uploading to the wrong directory....

I suppose this is quite simple to implement, but I don't where to start.