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Get confirmation before, Drag&Drop (copying files with mouse): get it if to drag files from archive between TC instances

Posted: 2021-05-27, 11:16 UTC
by DrShark
If an option Get confirmation before, "Drag&Drop (copying files with mouse)" on Gonfiguration->Misc page is active, on drag&drop action between panels two TC instances from regular file system of source TC instance, Total Commander shows the confirmation in form of simplified copy (or move when to drag&drop with Shift pressed) dialog, e.g.:

Code: Select all

Total Commander
Copy 1 file(s) to 
Yes   No   
If "Drag&Drop (copying files with mouse)" is disabled, after the drop action, the copy or move process starts immediately without confirmation.

However, if to drag the files from archive opened in source TC instance, the confirmation dialog won't appear even if Get confirmation before, "Drag&Drop (copying files with mouse)" option is active.

By email Christian Ghisler explained that this is intentional, however the reason he provided is that the option is "just for internal drag&drop".
I'm not sure what exactly "internal" means here (unfortunately, Christian didn't provide more detailed information) - just that the confirmation should appear only on drag&drop within single TC instance (but TC shows it if the drag&drop happens from regular filesystem as explained above), or that it should NOT appear when external unpackers are unpacking the archive from source TC instance when dragging to target one (but confirmation doesn't appear even with internal unzip...)...

Anyway, I would like to post it as a suggestion then - to implement a confirmation also for drag&drop of files from archives between TC instances if an option "Drag&Drop (copying files with mouse)" is active.