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Ignoring ALT Key in sync dir progress dialogue

Posted: 2021-06-10, 10:28 UTC
by Jüggi
I am using a KVM to switch between computers. The switch is done via an ALT key shortcut sequence.
Often I start a sync dir process on one computer, then I switch to another computer to continue work while the other is busy with synchronizing/copying. When I return after a while I see that the complete process was paused since the switch to the other computer!
While TC has the focus i.e. the sync progress dialogue is shown, you can pause it just by pressing the ALT key! It seems that this method to use the applications system menu caused the sync / copy process to pause! But in this context there is no menu and no menu command useful!
Note: the normal copy / move progress dialogue does not pause on ALT key!!
Klick on another application or the desktop to set focus away from TC. But hey, during work process switching often between my computers I just forget this often...
Ignore the ALT key in the sync / copy progress dialogue of the sync dir features cause there is no menu to be called anyway