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TC4A: Descendning sort by date, files or dirs with same date and time: show names with a number or longer name at first

Posted: 2021-07-03, 09:51 UTC
by DrShark
The goal of this suggestion is the same as for silmilar suggestion for Total Commander for Windows, because there is a similar use case on Android:

in a context menu of a file "name.txt", use "Copy to Clipboard", then in context menu of any file or the updir ("..") item pick the "Past here (Copy)". a new copy of the file in the same locatiion will be created with the same date/time but with different name, "name(1).txt".

If we use descending sorting "By Date/Time" in Total Commander for Android, we'll see files sorted as follows:


so the newer file "name(1).txt" is lower then older "name.txt", which is not quite expected since we're sorting by date.
It seems like on Windows, here on Android TC is using file name as a second sort criteria when the modification date is the same.

However unlike Windows where TC have access to 3 kinds of dates (modification-write, creation and access date/time), on Android it can show only one kind of date/time. Since we cannot fallback to other kind of date as an addition sort criteria in this case, taking into consideration default Copy/Paste method naming on Android, I suggest if we have files wirh "name.txt" and "name(<number>).txt" when descending sorting is used to sort them as follows:


and (if we're creating a copy of copied file with this method):
