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TC10.50b3: Make drawing of splitter-line in horizontal button bar optional

Posted: 2022-04-28, 09:36 UTC
by Erik-DJ
In the horizon button bar, if you keep a button empty (no command and icon), a vertical splitter-line is drawn. Please make that optional, so just a small space is drawn between the buttons but not the splitter-line. This will give a more clean user interface.

Re: TC10.50b3: Make drawing of splitter-line in horizontal button bar optional

Posted: 2022-04-28, 10:12 UTC
by Stefan2
Thanks for your input, but me think that is no bug, maybe a suggestion.

But first try this "Visible Command options":

Command: '-1' insert an separator between two buttons (an free space, and with option '[x]Flat Icons' a pipe-like symbol '|')
Command: '-2' insert a line break in button bar to get two rows.


Re: TC10.50b3: Make drawing of splitter-line in horizontal button bar optional

Posted: 2022-04-28, 11:17 UTC
by Erik-DJ
You're right, I should have post this in an other section (suggestions).
But indeed, when using command '-1' then there comes a separator with a pipe-like symbol between two buttons, but I prefer not to draw that symbol (when using '[x] Flat icons').

OK, moved it to suggestions