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TC 10.50b5 dark mode: Rounded corners for buttons in Windows 11

Posted: 2022-05-13, 07:06 UTC
by Erik-DJ
In Windows 11, buttons have rounded corners. In TC in dark mode, they are not rounded (buttons like ‘function key buttons’ on the bottom of TC; e.g. buttons in the options-dialog). In the normal/light mode of TC, they do have rounded corners.

Could you make the corners round in dark mode? This would also make the options-dialog more obvious because at this moment it’s not always clear whether a component is a button or an edit-box.

In Delphi:
SetWindowTheme(aButton.Handle, 'DarkMode_Explorer', nil);

Re: TC 10.50b5 dark mode: Rounded corners for buttons in Windows 11

Posted: 2022-05-13, 10:09 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
These are owner-drawn speed buttons. I'm not drawing them with the theme so the user can change the border and highlight colors by himself.