CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many others

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CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many others

Post by *Dalai »

Hi there :).

What is CertificateInfo?
CertificateInfo is a Total Commander content plugin (WDX) that provides various pieces of information about certificate files like CER, CRT, DER, PEM, P7B, PFX, P12 and SST. It supports binary encoded files as well as Base64 encoded ones.

It can also be used as a packer plugin (WCX) with which it's possible to extract single certificates from certificate files and to convert between binary and Base64 formats.

  • Supports binary encoded X.509 certificate files, Base64 encoded X.509 certificate files, PKCS#7 messages, PKCS#12 messages and serialized certificate stores
  • Supports multiple certificates in Base64 encoded files (PEM)
  • Provides over a dozen information fields for each certificate including Subject, Issuer, Valid from/to, Signature algorithm, Pubkey Length, Serial, Thumbprint, and many more
  • Check if a certificate is considered valid by the system the check is run on
  • Show number of certificates contained within a certificate file
  • Supports PFX files, with and without private key, but only those with an empty password
  • Extract certificates from certificate files containing one or multiple certificates (WCX)
  • Convert certificates from binary to Base64 or vice versa (WCX)
  • Supports Unicode and long paths (> 259 characters)
Download on totalcmd.net, Mirror

More screenshot can be found in this gallery

Please feel free to test it, comment, discuss, report bugs and so on :D.

Last edited by Dalai on 2023-09-28, 21:19 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
#101164 Personal licence
Ryzen 5 2600, 16 GiB RAM, ASUS Prime X370-A, Win7 x64

Plugins: Services2, Startups, CertificateInfo, SignatureInfo, LineBreakInfo - Download-Mirror
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Re: CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many othe

Post by *Dalai »

To avoid cluttering the OP any more than necessary, I'm going to write the additional discussion stuff in separate posts.

Plugin field structure
If anybody is wondering why the plugin fields are structured the way they are: This is more or less intentional. Originally I wanted to have a completely different structure to present the plugin fields, with just the information fields on the top level and a selection of a specific certificate on a level below that. Examplary representation:

Code: Select all

Subject > Certificate1
Issuer >  Certificate1
Sig Alg > Certificate1
Due to limitations in the TC plugin interface this isn't possible. If someone is interested in the technical details, please feel free to read this thread.

I'm open to suggestions on how this could be improved. Please let me know if you have a better idea how to present the fields to the user.

Plugin field names/values
I'm open to suggestions regarding the plugin field names and values. If the meaning of a plugin field name or value is unclear, please let me know.

Plugin field translation
A translation is not available to the public yet. Since the translation directly depends on the correct field names returned by the plugin, it doesn't make much sense to translate anything just yet. This also ties into the plugin field names and structure I mentioned above. As soon as the names of the plugin fields are finalized, a translation will be made available.

TL;DR: Now's the time to suggest changes to the plugin.

#101164 Personal licence
Ryzen 5 2600, 16 GiB RAM, ASUS Prime X370-A, Win7 x64

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Re: CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many othe

Post by *Dalai »

Update to Version 0.4.0

Code: Select all

Version 0.4.0  [2023-09-28]
[+]  Added support for embedded PKCS#7 certificates which are used in
     binary files like EXE, DLL, SYS, CPL, MSI, CAB, CAT and so on.
     The detect string returned to TC doesn't contain these extensions
     by default, they need to be added manually by the user.
[+]  Added packer interface (WCX).
     The plugin can now be used to extract single certificates from
     certificate files and to convert between binary and Base64 formats.
     See Readme for information on how to register it as a packer plugin.
I also added two screenshots to the image gallery showing the packer feature.

Download link is available in the first post.

Feedback is highly appreciated, especially on the new packer feature!

#101164 Personal licence
Ryzen 5 2600, 16 GiB RAM, ASUS Prime X370-A, Win7 x64

Plugins: Services2, Startups, CertificateInfo, SignatureInfo, LineBreakInfo - Download-Mirror
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Re: CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many othe

Post by *Hurdet »

Do you can add support for PuTTYgen files created?
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Re: CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many othe

Post by *AntonyD »

More screenshot can be found in this gallery
image hosting was closed on 30-06-2024.
So, imho, all images should be re-uploaded somewhere.
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Re: CertificateInfo - Content plugin that retrieves information about certificate files like CRT, PEM, PFX and many othe

Post by *Dalai »

I have no plans to add support for SSH keys. SSH keys are not certificates. If I need such feature for myself in the future then maybe I'll add it. Should this happen support will probably be limited to public keys.

If you need information about SSH public keys you may consider something like

Code: Select all

ssh-key gen -l -f ssh_key_file
on any Linux system (or even newer Win10 releases). In the command above remove the space between "key" and "gen". I added it because the forum replaces the word "key gen" (without the space) with asterisks.

I'm aware of this change and I'm going to reupload all images (not just those related to TC) to a new server soon. All screenshots/images related to my plugins can be found on the mirror site which is linked in the first post in the corresponding plugin thread (including this one).
#101164 Personal licence
Ryzen 5 2600, 16 GiB RAM, ASUS Prime X370-A, Win7 x64

Plugins: Services2, Startups, CertificateInfo, SignatureInfo, LineBreakInfo - Download-Mirror
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