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Enhancement for "Create new file dialog"

Posted: 2023-07-21, 11:17 UTC
by funkymonk
A suggestion to enhance usability and the speed of workflows:

For "Edit new file" (Shift+F4) I like to use templates for different file formats. Here is an example:

If you cycle through the templates using the up/down keys, the entire file name including the extension is always selected in the edit box.
Thus, if you simply start typing, the entire selection is lost.
This is actually quite annoying, since some parts of the template should obviously not be changed (it's a template!) and you first have to navigate with left/right to the position where you want to change the file name.

Hence my suggestion:

Similar to "RenameSelOnlyName" I propose a new INI setting:

Code: Select all

0 = select all (as before)
1 = select only the name without extension
2 = select nothing: put cursor at the beginning of the file name
3 = select nothing: put cursor to the end of the file name (before the "." of the extension)
4 = select nothing: put cursor to the end of the extension
I think that this is also useful for users who don't use templates but use TC’s history of previously created filenames.


One more suggestion:
Wouldn't it be possible to define the desired selection or position of the cursor with a special character (which is not allowed in file names) in the template itself:

Code: Select all

0="<[Y]-[M]-[D] - ? - filename_suffix.x"
1="<[Y]-[M]-[D] - ?some text? - filename_suffix.x"
When selecting the first template, the cursor in the edit box would be put to the position of the "?" (of course, the "?" is removed).
For the second template, the text between the two "?" would be selected.
In both ways, the user can directly start typing without any additional and time consuming action ...

Re: Enhancement for "Create new file dialog"

Posted: 2023-07-24, 11:31 UTC
by jbcb
I like it. :)

Re: Enhancement for "Create new file dialog"

Posted: 2023-07-24, 16:43 UTC
by jinsight
Support++ general concept