Search and copy Video files only

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Search and copy Video files only

Post by *fnszlft »

I'd like to move all my videos inside MANY folders on my server to a new Video only folder.
Keeping the same folder structure on the new drive too.
So if a Video is in folder:
I want that same folder created and only the videos moved to the new drive under the same folder structures.

Is that possible?
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *Dalai »

Select the folder(s) you want to copy and press F5 to copy them. Before confirming the copy, set the field "Only files of this type" to the file type(s) you want to copy. Advanced selections can be made by pressing the [+ F8] button ([+] button in older TC releases) and defining a search in the window that's opened by that button.

Note that you end up with empty directories of any of the source directories don't contain files of the specified type. But finding empty directories/folders is easy and there are already several threads about it.

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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *fnszlft »

I was hoping to be able to do the windows "type" search
That way it finds all file formats of videos.
Is there a syntax in this tool that does that?
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *Dalai »

TC itself can't do that AFAIK. But I guess it might be possible with the Everything tool which can be used from TC. No idea how to do a search with that because I don't use it.

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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *MVV »

You have to save search presets before using Search dialog (Alt+F7), then they will be available in Copy dialog. TC doesn't create any presets itself.
E.g. you can create Videos preset with all extensions listed (*.mkv *.avi *.wmv *.mp4 and so on) and then select >Videos in Copy dialog.
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FAQs: Search (Find Files) - Load/Save settings

Post by *Stefan2 »

INFO: this here started as an answer for the question above but changed over time into a whole collection about this topic

With TC you can create your own Search criteria.

Let us borrow some how-to from 2petermad menu file (xxx_eng.ini):
Get: Extended Total Commander Menus >>>

cmd=cd *.3g* *.amc *.as? *.avi *.cel *.dcr *.dif *.dir *.divx *.dv *.dxr *.flc *.fli *.flv *.ivf *.lsf *.lsx *.m1? *.m4v *.m75 *.mov *.mp2* *.mp4 *.mpa *.mpe *.mpeg *.mpg *.mps *.mpv* *.mqv *.qt *.ra *.rf *.rm* *.rsml *.rv *.sdv *.spl *.swf *.vfw *.wm* *.wvx
menu=Show Video Files
More of Peters work
Get: Extended Total Commander Menus >>>

cmd=cd *.8bps *.acr *.adi *.ani *.anm *.b3d *.bmp *.cam *.cdr *.cdt *.cel *.cgm *.clp *.cmx *.cr2 *.crw *.cur *.cut *.dcm *.dcx *.dds *.dib *.djvu *.drw *.dxf *.ecw *.emf *.eps *.flc *.fli *.fpx *.fsh *.g3 *.gem *.gif *.gsm
menu=Show Image Files (1 - g)

cmd=cd *.hgl *.icl *.ico *.iff *.ima *.img *.iw44 *.j2k *.jbg *.jbig *.jfif *.jif *.jng *.jp2 *.jpc *.jpe *.jpeg *.jpg *.jpm *.kdc *.lbm *.lbmp *.ldf *.lwf *.mac *.macp *.mng *.msp *.nlm *.nng *.nol
menu=Show Image Files (h - o)

cmd=cd *.pat *.pbm *.pcd *.pct *.pcx *.pgm *.pic *.pict *.plt *.png *.pnt *.pntg *.ppm *.ps *.psd *.psp *.ras *.raw *.rgb *.rla *.rle *.scr *.sff *.sfw *.sgi *.spr *.sun *.sw *.swf *.tga *.tif *.tiff *.wap *.wbm *.wbmp *.wmf *.xbm *.xcf *.xpm
menu=Show Image Files (p - x)

cmd=cd *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.jpe *.png *.bmp
menu=Show Image Files (web formats)

cmd=cd *.mid *.midi *.kar *.rmi *.smf
menu=Show Music Files

cmd=cd *.669 *.aac *.adts *.aif *.aifc *.amr *.as *.au *.bwf *.caf *.cda *.cdda *.dsm *.far *.gsm *.it *.m3u *.m4a *.m4p *.mod *.mp1 *.mp2 *.mp3 *.mtm *.qcp *.ra *.rm *.rmm *.rmp *.rmx *.s3m *.sd2 *.snd *.stm *.ult *.ulw *.voc *.wav *.wax *.wma *.xm
menu=Show Sound Files

cmd=cd *.3g* *.amc *.as? *.avi *.cel *.dcr *.dif *.dir *.divx *.dv *.dxr *.flc *.fli *.flv *.ivf *.lsf *.lsx *.m1? *.m4v *.m75 *.mov *.mp2* *.mp4 *.mpa *.mpe *.mpeg *.mpg *.mps *.mpv* *.mqv *.qt *.ra *.rf *.rm* *.rsml *.rv *.sdv *.spl *.swf *.vfw *.wm* *.wvx
menu=Show Video Files

cmd=cd *.zip *.rar *.r0? *.cab *.arj *.lha *.uc2 *.ace *.arc *.pak *.zoo *.sqz *.hyp *.wsz *.jar *tgz *.qz *.z *.hqx *.uu *.uue *.sit *.7z *.aes *.icl *.sqx *.chm *.bzip2 *.bz2 *.wim *.xz *.its
menu=Show Archive Files

cmd=cd *.htm *.html *.shtml *.js *.css *.php *.tpl *.asp *.pl *.plx *.ppl *.perl *.pm *.cgi *.smi *.smil
menu=Show Internet Files

cmd=cd *.doc *.wpd *.dot *.rtf *.txt *.asc *.ans *.wri *.mcw *.wps *.docx *.docm *.mht *.mhtml *.xml *.dok
menu=Show Document Files

cmd=cd *.xls *.xlt *.xlm *.xlc *.xlw *.xla *.xll *.xlb *.xlk *.xl5 *.wks *.wk1 *.wk3 *.wk4 *.wq1 *.slk *.dif *.csv *.prn *.txt *.odc *.udl *.dsn *.dbc *.iqy *.dqy *.rqy *.oqy *.cup *.uxdc *.mht *.mhtml *.xml *.pln
menu=Show Spreadsheet Files

cmd=cd *.ppt* *.pps* *.pot* *.ppa *.mht *.mhtml
menu=Show Presentation Files

cmd=cd *.mdb *.mde *.mdx *.adp *.ade *.mdw *.dbf *.db *.xls *.csv *.tab *.asc *.txt *.hta *.asp *.odc *.udl *.dsn *.dbc *.iqy *.dqy *.rqy *.oqy *.cup *.uxdc *.mht *.mhtml *.xml
menu=Show Database Files

cmd=cd *.exe *.com *.bat *.cmd *.scr *.cpl *.msc *.dll *.bin *.sys *.drv *.386 *.vxd *.ocx *.ax *.vbx *.tlb *.acm *.acv *.csp *.qtc *qts *qtx *qpx *.lrc
menu=Show Program Files

cmd=cd *.*|*.exe *.com *.bat *.cmd *.scr *.cpl *.msc *.dll *.bin *.sys *.drv *.386 *.vxd *.ocx *.ax *.vbx *.tlb *.acm *.acv *.csp *.qtc *qts *qtx *qpx *.lrc
menu=Hide Program Files

Get: Extended Total Commander Menus >>>

- - -

Save the search criteria:
- Launch the Search ("Find Files")
- Search for: *.flv *.avi *.mp4 *.mpeg
- Start the Search and Stop it just if you see it works.
- Empty the "Search in:" box.
- Switch to the [Load/Save] tab.
- Click [Save], save as 'videos' , or 'search_ForMyVideos' or 'mySavedSearch' or what you like.
- Close the "Find Files" dialog.

Store the Search as "vids" is shorter and quicker to type, but "search_ForMyVideos" better describes what that search will do.
The leading "search_" will help to gives an hint what that ini-entry for [Colors] and [Shortcuts] in the wincmd.ini is good for.

Use the search criteria:
- Now go to the top main folder for your search,
- Launch the Search ("Find Files").
- Check 'Select in subdirectories' [all(unlimited depth)].
- Select [Load/Save] and there 'search_ForMyVideos' and next [Load].
- Start the Search.
- Transfer the search result with bottom right [feed to listbox]-button to a normal list view (normal files and folders view).
* With [Backspace] you can leave the search result view.
* Or, with Shift-key while clicking [feed to listbox] you open the result in a new Tab.

Work with the search result:
- Now you can do all things you can do with TC, for example use F5 to Copy or F6 to Move.
- In the Copy dialog use [Options] to select 'Ask user' or 'Auto-rename'.

The saved search you can use in
- F5 Copy- or F6 Move- dialog as "Only files of this type: [ >search_ForMyVideos]".
- Menu "Show > Custom... Ctr+F12" as [>search_ForMyVideos] to filter the list view for that extensions.
- - - (note the ">search_ForMyVideos" hint in the address bar)
- - - (Ctrl+F10 = Show all files)
- a button as like:
Command: CD >search_ForMyVideos
Start path:
Icon file: wcmicons.dll
Tooltip: Filter for "my videos"

- - -

You can open the saved search settings from an button
Command: LOADSEARCH search_ForMyVideos
Start path:
Icon file: wcmicons.dll
Tooltip: your description here

You can open the saved search settings from an keyboard shortcut
Create the above own user defined command in usercmd.ini
and use the section name of that command in Options>Misc. for to assign an shortcut to.

NOTE: that will open the search dialog, you can inspect the settings again and next click the [Start] button.

- - -

UPDATE 2020: Launch and immediately start to search
History.txt wrote:12.08.20 Added: Command LOADSEARCH <saved name> (e.g. on button):
Put one equal sign = in front of name to start searching immediately,
Command: LOADSEARCH=saved search name
two == to start and feed to listbox after search (32/64)
Command: LOADSEARCH==saved search name
Put one equal sign = in front of name to start searching immediately,
Command: LOADSEARCH=saved search name

Put two equal sign == to start and feed to listbox after search (32/64)
Command: LOADSEARCH==saved search name

- - -

Change Search default settings:

If you want that search options always as default,
create a User defined Command in usercmd.ini

CMD=LOADSEARCH search_ForMyVideos

"em_" is mandatory.
"MySearchSettings" is the name you gave that command.
"[em_MySearchSettings]" both together is the ini section name and the name for the User defined Command.
"LOADSEARCH" is the TC internal command.
"search_ForMyVideos" is the name you gave on saving your search settings.

Now assign a keyboard shortcut

You can use the original shortcut to open the search or another key combination you want.
In future the search is open always with your wanted settings.

To assign an keyboard shortcut key (hotkey) to an command, utilize

Configuration > Options > Misc.
>> Redefine hotkeys (Keyboard remapping)

* at "()Hotkey" choose a free key combo as keyboard shortcut (the button with the big black triangle shows the already used)
* at "()Alias" enter a few digits or letters for to use in TCs command line (for example "help" for to execute cm_HelpIndex)
* For "Command:" click on the magnifying glass
* and choose the wanted command by double clicking on it.
(To filter type em_ or cm_ and maybe more letters or just an keyword like 'copy')
* Apply with the green check mark button!!!
* Close the options dialog with [OK]
* Click on OK

( more at >> viewtopic.php?p=344777#p344777 )

- - -

View the search result in an "normal" file pane:

After the search, the result is shown in the search dialog itself.

You can use the buttons at the bottom to inspect a found file:

[F3], open the file in internal Lister, the search result waits in the background.

[F4], open the file in Notepad (or your own set text editor), the search result waits in the background.

[Go to file], marks the file in the folder (open the search dialog again for the next file).

[Feed to Listbox], get the search result in the normal list view (like as you had opened a folder).
Here you can do everything with the found files as normal with files.
(Maybe you want to add "User Defined Columns" to get more details)

While using [Feed to Listbox], the last view is then replaced by the search result,
but you can press the Backspace-key to return to the last view you had open.
(Or use CTRL+PageUp, or CTRL+R / F2 = "Reread source window")

If you click the "[Feed to Listbox]"-button while holding the SHIFT-key at the same time,
a new tab will be open, which you can just close (CTRL+W) after you are done.

Use right click context menu to open the file with the system default set application.

- - -

I want that same folder structures created:
I'd like to move all my videos inside MANY folders on my server to a new Video only folder. Keeping the same folder structure on the new drive too.
- You need to install a (WCX packer)Plugin , here "TreeCopyPlus" from SUKER. (
* Download from , and in TC double click on the download and let install.

- Then you can select the wanted files and utilize by Alt+F5 the Pack-dialog.
- There you can select your Plugin and maybe even use the [Configure...]-button on some.
- For "TreeCopyPlus" use [Configure...] and adjust the "Number of upper levels to exclude [3]"

MVV wrote: 2020-07-23, 12:27 UTC Try using CopyTree instead of TreeCopyPlus, much more intuitive. :wink:

- - -

Search result show only name and ext.

On default the search result doesn't show the size or date column,
but you can create user defined Custom columns to show any column you like and many more by using plugins.
See Wiki >
or forum post viewtopic.php?p=351792#p351792

- - -

How-to to use 'Ctrl+F' -keys to launch the Find Files-dialog:

Edit your wincmd.ini and add this under [Shortcuts]

;Enable 'F2'-key to start inline-rename mode, additional to origin 'Shift+F6'

;Enable 'Ctrl+F' to start find-files, additional to origin 'Alt+F7'
;Use 'Ctrl+O' to launch DOS-Box in current path
;Ctrl+0 (zero) to execute user defined command to launch PoSh in current path

See "TOTALCMD.INC" text file for more, like cm_SearchStandalone=545;Search in separate process

See "Add keyboard shortcut Hotkey to em_ or cm_ commands" >>> viewtopic.php?t=71927    for more about this topic.

- - -

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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *tuska »

fnszlft wrote: 2020-07-21, 19:20 UTC Thanks,
I was hoping to be able to do the windows "type" search
That way it finds all file formats of videos.
Is there a syntax in this tool that does that?
By using 'Everything' (link: see signature) in a search query with Total Commander, e.g. these search queries are possible,
field "Search for:" in TC... (TC Parameter --> ev:)

Search for Folders containing files with the following extensions:

Code: Select all

Attention: Please note that a folder will be listed even if there is only one single file of this type in this folder!
child:<filename> Search for folders that contain a child file or folder with a matching filename.
Folder Indexing

Search for Files with the following extensions:

Code: Select all

ext:<list> Search for files with a matching extension in the specified semicolon delimited extension list.

Limit the search to drives (folder exclusions).
Example1 - Limit search to Network shares or mapped network drives
Folder indexing for Network shares or mapped network drives must be defined in 'Everything', Menu Tools -> Options... -> Indexes: Folders(!)

Code: Select all

ev:\\Your-pc\Videos\ <child:*.3g2|child:*.3gp|child:*.3gp2|child:*.3gpp|child:*.amr|child:*.amv|child:*.asf|child:*.avi|child:*.bdmv|child:*.bik|child:*.d2v|child:*.divx|child:*.drc|child:*.dsa|child:*.dsm|child:*.dss|child:*.dsv|child:*.evo|child:*.f4v|child:*.flc|child:*.fli|child:*.flic|child:*.flv|child:*.hdmov|child:*.ifo|child:*.ivf|child:*.m1v|child:*.m2p|child:*.m2t|child:*.m2ts|child:*.m2v|child:*.m4b|child:*.m4p|child:*.m4v|child:*.mkv|child:*.mp2v|child:*.mp4|child:*.mp4v|child:*.mpe|child:*.mpeg|child:*.mpg|child:*.mpls|child:*.mpv2|child:*.mpv4|child:*.mov|child:*.mts|child:*.ogm|child:*.ogv|child:*.pss|child:*.pva|child:*.qt|child:*.ram|child:*.ratdvd|child:*.rm|child:*.rmm|child:*.rmvb|child:*.roq|child:*.rpm|child:*.smil|child:*.smk|child:*.swf|child:*.tp|child:*.tpr|child:*.ts|child:*.vob|child:*.vp6|child:*.webm|child:*.wm|child:*.wmp|child:*.wmv>
Example2 - Exclude folders on drive C: from the search

Code: Select all

ev:!<C:> <child:*.3g2|child:*.3gp|child:*.3gp2|child:*.3gpp|child:*.amr|child:*.amv|child:*.asf|child:*.avi|child:*.bdmv|child:*.bik|child:*.d2v|child:*.divx|child:*.drc|child:*.dsa|child:*.dsm|child:*.dss|child:*.dsv|child:*.evo|child:*.f4v|child:*.flc|child:*.fli|child:*.flic|child:*.flv|child:*.hdmov|child:*.ifo|child:*.ivf|child:*.m1v|child:*.m2p|child:*.m2t|child:*.m2ts|child:*.m2v|child:*.m4b|child:*.m4p|child:*.m4v|child:*.mkv|child:*.mp2v|child:*.mp4|child:*.mp4v|child:*.mpe|child:*.mpeg|child:*.mpg|child:*.mpls|child:*.mpv2|child:*.mpv4|child:*.mov|child:*.mts|child:*.ogm|child:*.ogv|child:*.pss|child:*.pva|child:*.qt|child:*.ram|child:*.ratdvd|child:*.rm|child:*.rmm|child:*.rmvb|child:*.roq|child:*.rpm|child:*.smil|child:*.smk|child:*.swf|child:*.tp|child:*.tpr|child:*.ts|child:*.vob|child:*.vp6|child:*.webm|child:*.wm|child:*.wmp|child:*.wmv>
Example3 - Exclude folders on drive C:, I:, J: from the search

Code: Select all

ev:!<C:|I:|J:> <child:*.3g2|child:*.3gp|child:*.3gp2|child:*.3gpp|child:*.amr|child:*.amv|child:*.asf|child:*.avi|child:*.bdmv|child:*.bik|child:*.d2v|child:*.divx|child:*.drc|child:*.dsa|child:*.dsm|child:*.dss|child:*.dsv|child:*.evo|child:*.f4v|child:*.flc|child:*.fli|child:*.flic|child:*.flv|child:*.hdmov|child:*.ifo|child:*.ivf|child:*.m1v|child:*.m2p|child:*.m2t|child:*.m2ts|child:*.m2v|child:*.m4b|child:*.m4p|child:*.m4v|child:*.mkv|child:*.mp2v|child:*.mp4|child:*.mp4v|child:*.mpe|child:*.mpeg|child:*.mpg|child:*.mpls|child:*.mpv2|child:*.mpv4|child:*.mov|child:*.mts|child:*.ogm|child:*.ogv|child:*.pss|child:*.pva|child:*.qt|child:*.ram|child:*.ratdvd|child:*.rm|child:*.rmm|child:*.rmvb|child:*.roq|child:*.rpm|child:*.smil|child:*.smk|child:*.swf|child:*.tp|child:*.tpr|child:*.ts|child:*.vob|child:*.vp6|child:*.webm|child:*.wm|child:*.wmp|child:*.wmv>

For a search query directly in 'Everything' there is the filter "Videos" for video-files.

Windows 10 Pro (x64) Version 2004 (OS build 19041.388)
TC 9.51 x64/x86 | 'Everything'-Version (x64)
☑ 'Everything' | Search queries: TC <=> 'Everything' | Installing Everything
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *tuska »

Out of interest I have successfully tested this as follows - short summary (example):
  • Create folder "D:\Video\" and open it in TC in the right panel
  • Go to the left panel of TC --> press Tab key
  • Search in separate process... Alt+Shift+F7
  • Search for: ev:!<C:|I:|J:> <ext:avi;wm> --> [it is recommended to use first only a few file extensions with a small folder structure!]
    Search for: ev:\\Your-pc\ <ext:avi;wm> <-- 2fnszlft: Your search query could be something like this <--
    (Field "Search in:" is ignored!)
  • ☑ 'Everything' ... press button "Start search" in TC, then button "Feed to listbox"
  • press Ctrl+A to mark all files
  • cm_PackFiles [press button or fill in this text in the command line of TC and press <ENTER>]
  • Now select the packer: "TreeCopyPlus"
  • ☑ Also pack path names (only recursed)
  • ☑ Recursively pack subdirectories
  • press button "Configure..." ... Options --> Number of upper levels to exclude: 1 (see: ReadmeEng.txt), press OK
  • OK starts copying...
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *MVV »

Try using CopyTree instead of TreeCopyPlus, much more intuitive. :wink:

But copying folder with filter is much easier anyway.
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *tuska »

MVV wrote:Try using CopyTree instead of TreeCopyPlus, much more intuitive. :wink:
Thanks for the advice.

In a short test I was able to transfer the folder structure, but afterwards there was only 1 file in the folder,
instead of several files. I'll have to run more tests...
MVV wrote:But copying folder with filter is much easier anyway.
To do that you will need to know the folders where the video files are located.
For this purpose I only know a search query in 'Everything' at the moment (as shown above: child:).
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *Dalai »

tuska wrote: 2020-07-23, 13:29 UTC
MVV wrote:But copying folder with filter is much easier anyway.
To do that you will need to know the folders where the video files are located.
Why? See my first post in this thread. TC will copy any file matching the filter/search. Yes, it's a bit of work to define all video file types in a search, but once that's done it's just fire and forget. Probably very few people have more than half a dozen video file types in a structure. For me it's MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV and some old WMVs and RMs, although I don't have anything to do with the mobile formats.

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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *tuska »

I'm sorry, I don't understand this without step-by-step instructions
(starting with how I get to the folders <which contains video files> I want to copy later - inclusive folder structure -).

But in principle it is not that important, because I have found 1 solution, if I ever need it.
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *Dalai »

Well, the really poor man's solution could be:
  1. Select any number of directories you want to copy and press F5
  2. Enter *.mp4 *.mkv *.avi *.flv into the field "Only files of this type"
  3. Confirm/start the copy
TC will copy every file matching the specified file type to the destination, including the directory structure. If you want/need to make advanced file selections, you may need to create a saved search and load that in the field "Only files of this type".

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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *tuska »

Thank you!

Well, I am the really poor man, but now I got it :)

My filter didn't work --> ev:!<C:|I:|J:> <wfn:ext:wm>
With a saved search/filter *.wm drive D:\ then I was successful.

But the method "F5 Copy folders with filter" is absolutely not the solution for me in such a case (directory structure),
due to possible empty folders, duplicate folders and files!

I know how to get the folders under point 1. :wink:

I will now go back to my problem with CopyTree and hope that I find the solution.
EDIT: Solved! (Wrong value was marked)

Thanks again!
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Re: Search and copy Video files only

Post by *tuska »

tuska wrote:But the method "F5 Copy folders with filter" is absolutely not the solution for me in such a case (directory structure),
due to possible empty folders, duplicate folders and files!
To better represent this situation I have uploaded a picture here.

1 file extension (.wm)
8 files
4 folders
Low nesting depth

In my opinion, the use of "CopyTree" [or "TreeCopyPlus"] would be highly recommended for this case.

The use of 'Everything' is not absolutely necessary, because in Total Commander you can make a search query
by file extensions, for example as follows - field "Search for":

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

*.3g2 *.3gp *.3gp2 *.3gpp *.amr *.amv *.asf *.avi *.bdmv *.bik *.d2v *.divx *.drc *.dsa *.dsm *.dss *.dsv *.evo *.f4v *.flc *.fli *.flic *.flv *.hdmov *.ifo *.ivf *.m1v *.m2p *.m2t *.m2ts *.m2v *.m4b *.m4p *.m4v *.mkv *.mp2v *.mp4 *.mp4v *.mpe *.mpeg *.mpg *.mpls *.mpv2 *.mpv4 *.mov *.mts *.ogm *.ogv *.pss *.pva *.qt *.ram *.ratdvd *.rm *.rmm *.rmvb *.roq *.rpm *.smil *.smk *.swf *.tp *.tpr *.ts *.vob *.vp6 *.webm *.wm *.wmp *.wmv
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