The "Disk Full" MessageBox could be improved

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The "Disk Full" MessageBox could be improved

Post by *now »

The "Disk Full" error MessageBox could be improved. Here's an image of it:

The dialog
  • lacks an icon (error I suppose (stop sign), but perhaps exclamation?)
  • lacks a good error message
I realize that the error message is pretty self-explanatory, but it could have been a bit more of a sentence, i.e., "The disk is full." or "The target disk is full" or "The copy or rename/move operation can't continue as the target disk has become full." or something along those lines. I realize that that would perhaps require some additional changes to the code and additional translations would be needed, so perhaps this should be seen as a request for improvement in the future, but the icon can easily be added without additional code or translation.
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Post by *Sir_SiLvA »

1st: IS this a BUG :?:
2nd: You know that you can change the Strings urself ?
they depend on the language file u r using....
Hoecker sie sind raus!
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Post by *Hacker »

[mod]Moved to TC 7 beta discussion forum.

Hacker (Moderator)[/mod]
Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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