Filter for future

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Black Dog
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Filter for future

Post by *Black Dog »

[face=courier]Found this in Templar Archives, hello eForum :).

Though Commander's filters are far from perfection (no RE support, fixed 259 symbols length, inability to use "Search in" field and paths in "Search for" field, absence of KBD shortcuts redefining, etc.) this is the powerful instrument, still amazing me sometimes.
The situation I'm talking about is rather curious though rather trivial. The millenium digit of file date can be changed to the next one but two last digits stays normal, so with only two year digits in the date such a file can be rather confusing.
This is not a big deal but I have time color filter for the files not older one hour. The point is such a files can stay one hour old for years (or millennia) and I've download such a file recently. So I've decided to make a color filter for this "files from the future" to locate them instantly.
You see, the thing I really like in Commander is you can't find some features description anywhere. For example, this is the part from HELP, describing the file "age":


Not older than: Allows to specify how old the file can be.


So you should decide yourself how old is the file one minute younger than present moment. I guess, if the present moment is 0 minute old it is -1. Ok. I type "-1" to the "Not &older than:" field, name the filter "future" and save it. And the most funny thing it works.
I proud of you, Christian, your logic is perfect.[/face]
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Post by *Hacker »

Well, as this seems to be a "tip" you could send it to wouter for him to enhance our rich TC tips section at .
( )
(BTW: I immediately recognized the topic ;) .)

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Post by *Black Dog »

[face=courier]On 16-09-2003 15:48:18 +0000 Hacker wrote:

H> Well, as this seems to be a "tip"

No, it's just an attempt to prove that TC "Find files" dialog is not as poor as you can think after the first look on it %).

H> you could send it to wouter for him to enhance our rich TC
H> tips section at .

Well, why don't you send it yourself?

H> (BTW: I immediately recognized the topic ;) .)

Yeah, good old times... It's not so funny now and here, isn't it? :)))[/face]
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Post by *Hacker »

Well, why don't you send it yourself?
1. It's your tip.
2. It's easier for me to bother you than to send it myself. ;)

It's not so funny now and here, isn't it?
Yeah, too little flames and I miss Thomas1274...

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *Black Dog »

[face=courier]On 17-09-2003 13:37:59 +0000 Hacker wrote:

H> 1. It's your tip.

That was you, who said it's "tip" ;).
And that is you who wanna send something somewhere %).

H> 2. It's easier for me to bother you than to send it myself.

I'm almost twice older ergo almost four times lazier :))).

H> Yeah, too little flames and I miss Thomas1274...

Exactly, Jedi, exactly...[/face]
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