Some interesting requests and problems

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Some interesting requests and problems

Post by *NumberOne »

:arrow: i can´t search empty folder in the search menu. i have hundreds of empty folders all over my computer and i cant find it easily. also, some indetectable viruses create big amounts of empty folders and when i realize and erase the virus those ampty folders should annoy anyone. it would be very nice if this search were possible

:arrow: when i syncronize two dirs i only have one posibility: copy from one folder to another, but i cant MOVE directly the files and i cant do it "automatically, for example each ten minutes or whatever". for example, if i had a web and i must upoad frecuently from one folder, it will be very nice upload automatically and also MOVE the files i wanted, not only copy.

:arrow: for FTP use, i cant see any FTP manager where introduce pass, user, ect. for example like the flash FXP. i have to introduce the user and pass each time i connect and options are only a few. :arrow: the same for download manager, like flashget or leechget. it will be amazing if total commander had some download managter integrated into the menus.

:arrow: when i try to use some plugins, like the iso maker, i cant select it from the compress menu....
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Post by *ay222 »

i can´t search empty folder in the search menu. i have hundreds of empty folders all over my computer and i cant find it easily. also, some indetectable viruses create big amounts of empty folders and when i realize and erase the virus those ampty folders should annoy anyone. it would be very nice if this search were possible
you can do the following:
1- select the drive or folder that you want search for empty folders
2- in Find files dialog type "*.*" in search for: field
3- in advanced tab check attributes> Directory
4- after the search end click (Feed to listbox) button.
5- make sure the ( Options> Display> Sorting directory> Like files ) is selected
then execute the command (cm_countdircontent) to calculate subdir space
you can press [ALT+SHIFT+ENTER] for taht.
6- sort the search list by size (Ascending)
7- start selecting the folders from the first one (use SHIFT+DOWN ARROW)and
while selecting let your eyes on status bar and stop the selecting
if the status bar first three characters changed from (0 b /) to any
other value. Note: Unselect the folder(s) taht changed the status bar.
8- after doing the above carefully, the all folders you have been selected are
empty, So you can delete it.
9- for safety reason make sure the (Option> Misc> Get confirmation before> Deleting none-empty directory)is checked

i hope you find this useful.

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Post by *Hacker »

i have to introduce the user and pass each time i connect and options are only a few
Try Ctrl-F.

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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