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Support for PocketPC and WinCE version

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Post by *gbusch »

I wouldn't recommend removing any of them just for the sake of the toolbar icons. The features added to TC Pocket over the years have made the program far more flexible and useful than other mobile file managers.

Another thing about enlarging the toolbar icons is that not as many files could be listed at once without decreasing the space between the file icons. This would seem to defeat the purpose of the new "finger-friendly distances" enhancement.
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Post by *SithLord »

ghisler(Author) wrote:But which functions should I remove then?
None! TC is just the best FileManager (functions wise) on WinMo, PERIOD :)
RescoExplorer is the best FileManager (fingerfriendly wise). Why not borrow good ideas ?

Keep all the toolbar functions and make the toolbar finger scrollable!

I'd like some sort of "Detailed" list view such as Resco's but more configurable (size of icon, filesize format, etc...)

All devices tend to go to big screens and resolutions. Today's standard is WVGA (480x800) and FWVGA (480x854) is also available so we have plenty of pixels to enable some sort of compromise between "space between lines" and "size of toolbar". Let users decide.

Besides, any chance of seeing these suggestions implemented some day in the future ? :)
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Post by *Hacker »

I have not yet tried TC Pocket, but HTC with its Sense UI has a very nice solution to this. As you can see in this video, there are around 5 icons at the bottom, but as you hold your finger and move to the right, more icons scroll into view from the right (and vice versa). This saves space and the icons are still big, easy to select and pretty, you just do not see all of them at once. :)
Hope it's not patented.

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *dispecers »

at last TC FTP client works like I need to, other versions(also other FTP winmo clients) was a problem with FTP direcory structure, I was able to see only root directory's, but without possibility to go deeper.

HTC HD2, official ROM
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