It's time to release TC 9.0?

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Post by *Sombra »

Maybe could you give a glance to this thread (viewtopic.php?t=4694) in the old beta forum?.
I remember very good ideas there...
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Post by *Elendacil »

viewing of Alternate Data Streams should be possible

A file manager would do well to be able to display even stuff that's hidden like that, when required - same principle as with those hidden Windows folders etc.
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Post by *JohnFredC »

Lefteous wrote:2JohnFredC
Could you give us some details what is so bad about TC's touch support?
It isn't bad, per se, no worse than, say Excel's... but one may distinguish the ease of use of TC employed on a tablet in two different modes:
  • 1) TC Desktop accessed by the user via terminal emulation or on a Windows tablet
    2) TC for Android.
If one tries both modes for the same tasks and switches back and forth between the two modes on the same touch device, for the functionality the two share and with some obvious exceptions (anything associated with typing), IMO the Android version is generally easier and smoother (?) to use.

I attribute this to the fact the Android version was designed for (and within the limitations of) touch devices.

As some of the use of TC Desktop navigates toward touch devices (cheap Windows tablet, anyone?) more and more of us would benefit from concession to touch usage in the TC Desktop interaction paradigm, at least part of the time. Swipe gestures come to mind immediately, as do context menu issues and the whole toolbar/command buttons thing.

But I repeat myself. 8)
ghisler(Author) wrote:Well, I'm trying to extract info from this thread, but it's hard because it's already 9 pages long, and many ideas are not interesting for a wider audience. So a different format is definitely needed...
As a start, there appear to be two categories:
  • 1) Enhancements related to specific TC features and functionality, either already existing or newly proposed. These are just part of the general version cycle and the customary implementation decision tree already exists for them.

    2) General issues of architecture and UI design related to supporting new interaction models and environments such as tablets and perhaps Microsoft's new "Universal App" concept. This is new stuff.
These seem to be sufficiently different that efforts toward their resolutions could proceed in parallel and with few inter-dependencies.

Perhaps a separate forum for #2 could start the ball rolling.
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Post by *raeubi »

Thanks to all the engaged people in this forum.
Thank you for the mostly high quality of the contributions.
Thanks to Christian for his claim to provide a safe and reliable product!

The forum is full of many proposals with (useful) improvements.
What is the most important? What most people need? Is a ranking helpful?
What is a real blockbuster?

One helpful step could be:
In public beta forum, updates should be published more frequently.
Users get fixes and enhancements.
Christian will receive feedback whether the changes were successful.
(#2852 + #287609)
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Post by *saelic »

I have a suggestion that will make everyone happy:

Make Total Commander, one of the top of the best programs ever created, open source.

...or at least allow users to review code and compile it by themselves.
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Post by *Horst.Epp »

saelic wrote:I have a suggestion that will make everyone happy:

Make Total Commander, one of the top of the best programs ever created, open source.

...or at least allow users to review code and compile it by themselves.
What a strange idea :cry:
Will you pay Christian for the rest of its life
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Post by *karlchen »

Hey, guys.

Starting with this post those who are still participating simply switched from English to German. 8 posts in German in the English forum.
This is not fair. You are excluding all those users who do not understand German from your discussion.

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Post by *Hacker »

Indeed, it would be best to switch back to English.

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Post by *Hacker »

[mod]German part of the thread split to Ist es an der Zeit TC 9.0 zu veröffentlichen?

Hacker (Moderator)[/mod]
Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *karlchen »

I do think it is a pity that a part of this thread had to be moved to the German forum, because the posters chose to ignore the request to stick to the English language.
The split posts held constructive ideas. Therefore this thread would have had a benefit from these posts as well.
Discussing the same topic in two places is a waste of resources.
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Post by *thims »

ghisler(Author) wrote:Well, I'm trying to extract info from this thread, but it's hard because it's already 9 pages long, and many ideas are not interesting for a wider audience. So a different format is definitely needed...
What about uservoice?
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Post by *JohnTC »

First of all, Total Commander just rocks. I don't know how long I've used it. 20 years? More? I love TC just as it is. Christian, you've made one of the best pieces of software ever.

Like I said, I love TC just as it is. I know, however, what people are talking about when they imply that TC's interface is old-fashioned. Even aside from the Windows 8 paradigm, there're a bunch of apps out there that have deviated from the Windows standard significantly, and that sometime come across as having a more modern look. Pfah! I haven't seen a one of them that wasn't dysfunctional in a major way. Generally by designing exclusively for the new user. Or just poor functionality. It's the software equivalent of a picture of a cute kitty with big eyes -- sure, it's cute, but no real muscle. I prefer my software to be like an armed tiger, bevawatt laser in one paw, blaster cannon in the other. I don't want to hear a cute meow, I want to hear a long, low grrrrrrr, that sounds like a V16 engine, ready to roar.

There have been a lot of great ideas in this thread. But you can't design anything by committee. As you have said, many of the ideas here don't really benefit all that many users.

To me, Christian, if I were to presume to advise you, I would ask you to ask yourself, what is your vision for TC? And what do you, personally, want from it?

Now, I can think of some great possible future directions for Total Commander. Here are some thoughts I've had:

* More discoverable

Parts of TC are wonderfully obscure. I write myself notes on how I customized this or that, but still, every few years I have to recreate it for some reason, and let me tell you, it is a royal PITA. It would be awesome if some of that stuff were easier to get to. I don't actually mind editing config files -- I think a config file is an amazingly rich interface for program configuration, but somehow the whole process is just really cumbersome.

As an example, I personally think the default behavior of Ctrl-D, d is broken. I'm happy that everyone else likes the way it works, but for me, it's a bug. So I change "Add Current Dir" to "+ Add Current Dir" and "Configure" to "» Configure". Works for me. But there is nothing in the Ctrl-D menu that leads you to that configuration.

* Swappable interface

It would be really cool if all the shortcut keys were easily configurable and easily replaceable. I'd love to switch from "Native TC" to "Windows-like" to . . . whatever. For instance, in the Windows-like interface, F2 would do file rename.

* Program launcher

I currently start apps in Windows 8 from the start menu, having applied some chicanery to it, as follows. I press Ctrl-Esc, that brings up the start menu, from there I have various submenus, such as ;. So, for instance, to start TC I press Ctrl-Esc, ;, u, c. Yeah, okay, it is weird as heck, I admit it, but it works for me. I want a program launcher in TC.

* Text editor

A good text editor goes with TC like chocolate and peanut butter. However, although there are many great text editors out there, none of them are as good at being an editor as TC is at being TC. For years my fav was TextPad, but TextPad stopped bringing me flowers (It's the little things in a relationship, after all), and now I step out with Sublime Edit. But I would love a text editor built to TC's exacting standards of excellence.

* Image wrangler

I've used Thumbsplus for as long as I've used Total Commander. I gotta say, though, I've shelled out big $$ over the years for TP and gotten nowhere near the level of functionality that I've gotten from TC. Image wrangling is very close to file management, I swear there's a lot of overlap in the two solution spaces.

So there are some of my ideas, for what they are worth.

Finally, I gotta say it again, TC rocks. It always has, and always will. Thank you, Christian, for so many years of such great software. TC is just the best.
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Post by *saelic »


Completly agree. TC is a role model for every software on this planet. Microsoft should learn from it how software should look alike!

And because of this, all of us - Christian, users and community - must do everything possible to save this program from bad influances of todays idiotic trends and stay conservative in many ways, like productive user interface.
But we must also add some new features in order not to left behind.
For example: SHA2 hashes were available from 2001, but were introduced in TC in 2014. Now we've got SHA3 hashes available from 2012, and no vision to see them in TC...

Anyway, I still think that ultimately TC should become open source software. This is a piece of art which should be available as an example of perfect software for future generations. And as a proof, that in our times not 100% of software were piece of shiny, aero crap.

Remember that making it open source doesn't mean that it will become free of charge. Users can still be obligated to buy a license.
For example, Symantec made that turn with PGP Desktop. You must still buy license, but source code is available "for peer review".

Thank you Christian!
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Post by *korg250 »

JohnTC wrote: * Swappable interface

It would be really cool if all the shortcut keys were easily configurable and easily replaceable. I'd love to switch from "Native TC" to "Windows-like" to . . . whatever. For instance, in the Windows-like interface, F2 would do file rename.
You can already do that:
- configuration > options > misc.
- at "redefine hotkeys", select hotkey and F2 at the far right dropdown menu
- at "command" select cm_RenameOnly
- press the tick button to confirm


Discovering that for the first time and then learning how to use it was not easy - Google here is your friend. So I agree that a TC 9.0 feature could be making its features easier to find and learn.

Although many might disagree, but Microsoft did that with its infamous ribbon interface. It is A LOT easier to find what you need in this interface than with the classic menu (Office 2003 and before).[/img]
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Post by *MVV »

Although many might disagree, but Microsoft did that with its infamous ribbon interface. It is A LOT easier to find what you need in this interface than with the classic menu (Office 2003 and before).
It is a pain to find something in this huge ribbon! When I need some thing that is not on my quick access bar (items from standard Office 2003 panels), I spend a lot of time while switching ribbons and investigating all items that are placed somewhere. And it really wastes a lot of space and can't be customized.
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