Bookmark to dynamic folder

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Bookmark to dynamic folder

Post by *icehockey »

Hi folks,

I have been searching for a while and could not find a clear answer for this problem:

I have folders that is dynamically created by a service:

Every time a new app is deployed, App_1 becomes App_2 so so forth. The location of the logfile is also not-deterministic (sometimes Node.1, sometimes Node.2, sometimes Node.3). This makes using hotlist not very convenience (can only go to the upper level folder Node.1, Node.2)

I want to make a shortcut/button to access these log file quickly in TC by creating a button to "cd C:\Apps\Node.1\Instance\a\b\Log\App_*\" but looks like it is not working this way.

Also if I have 3 nodes, I need to create 3 shortcut like this. It would be ideal to have a drop-down list or something similar.

Any idea on how to do this?
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

App_* cannot be used because it wouldn't be clear which directory is meant when there are multiple. Are you in control of the service? If yes, you could set an environment variable with the latest path name or directory name. Then you could use something like this:
cd %envpath%
cd C:\Apps\Node.1\Instance\a\b\Log\%envname%
Also if I have 3 nodes, I need to create 3 shortcut like this. It would be ideal to have a drop-down list or something similar.
You could add a sub-bar and check the option to show it as a popup.
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Post by *Horst.Epp »

I would do it as follows:
Make a branch view of the root level.
This can be made with a View mode and Auto-switch.
Then select the newest file from it.
The following button selects the newest file in the active view.

Code: Select all

/k "for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir /b /a-d /o-d`) do start "" "%%COMMANDER_EXE%%" /O /S /L="%%~ff\:" & exit"
Newest File

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Re: Bookmark to dynamic folder

Post by *nsp »

icehockey wrote:Hi folks,

I have been searching for a while and could not find a clear answer for this problem:

I have folders that is dynamically created by a service:

Every time a new app is deployed, App_1 becomes App_2 so so forth. The location of the logfile is also not-deterministic (sometimes Node.1, sometimes Node.2, sometimes Node.3). This makes using hotlist not very convenience (can only go to the upper level folder Node.1, Node.2)

I want to make a shortcut/button to access these log file quickly in TC by creating a button to "cd C:\Apps\Node.1\Instance\a\b\Log\App_*" but looks like it is not working this way.

Also if I have 3 nodes, I need to create 3 shortcut like this. It would be ideal to have a drop-down list or something similar.

Any idea on how to do this?
You could use virtualpanel to dynamically generale the list using a autorun script. (you should familiarize to VP)

If you only need logfile.txt you could filter on logfile.txt and use branchview from C:\Apps and even add a user column to show the folder APP1 ....

These are hints using user commands:
em_gotoApps as CD C:\Apps
em_only_logfile to only see logfile.txt CD logfile.txt ( you can also create a command to reset filter em_noFilter as CD *.*)
em_buildlogfileList a command to "show logfile.trxt" or directly assign it to a button. em_gotoApps,em_only_logfile,cm_DirBranch

You can also use date ordering...
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