Resume a file split operation

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Resume a file split operation

Post by *ix12 »

If I cancel a file split I noticed it leaves the parts up to where it got until that point (which is great, I wish it would do that with partially copied or failed crc extracted files, even if it wouldn't be able to continue), but when I tried the split again it asked to overwrite, no option to continue. I wish it would have an option to continue :)

Also, I have a curiosity: does the split operation write differently than a copy operation? Because I have a memory stick with a write speed usually ~25 MB/s when copying, but when I tried a split with automatic size, I noticed it stuttering every several MBs and overall the speed was under 10 MB/s.
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Re: Resume a file split operation

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Continuing would be problematic because the source may have changed in the meantime.

Yes, split uses a normal ReadFile/WriteFile loop, while copying uses the Windows function CopyFileEx.
You can choose to optimize the stick for speed instead of easy removal, then it will be much faster. However, you will then have to remove it first via click on the stick icon in the system tray (near the clock) before unplugging it.
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