Losing file rights on move: NTFS, NetApp

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Losing file rights on move: NTFS, NetApp

Post by *mossi2000 »

I use WC/TC since many years at work. (We have 50 user license here, and I'm one of the few that are still using it every day

Last week I stumbled over some files in my work dir that suddenly had the read-only attribute set. I was unable to reset it, but could copy a version of that file from another directory.
Today I found the reason for that strange state/behavior.

My home directory is on a NetApp volume, that is set up for both Windows (NTFS) and Unix/Linux (NFS).

I can create a text file (test.txt) in a directory in home. I can copy it (F5) to a subdir, no problem.
When I delete the file the subdir and move (F6) the file to subdir, TC shows file in subdir with ra-Attribute. I can no longer READ the file, NOR copy it back.
But I can delete it.

When looking at the file in Linux: all rights are lost - chmod 000, but owner and group are correct.
A chmod 755 in Linux heals the file.
When I do the same via Explorer, everything works fine. When I change TC config : Configuration | Options | Copy/Delete Uncheck "Use standard copy method" and Check "Use copy+paste via Explorer, then TC is able to MOVE the file correctly.

Detected with TC v9.12, updated to 9.21a and still occurring. Rebooted machine - did not change behavior.
Does NOT happen if target is a local NTFS drive.

Must be something together with NetApp (Admin told me that the NetApp is a new one, activated 2 weeks ago) My home dir resided on a NetApp volume before too.... but I NEVER saw such a behavior.

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Re: Losing file rights on move: NTFS, NetApp

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

The problem is that Linux reports its drives as NTFS, but when TC then tries to copy the rights from the target directory using NTFS functions, it fails - the rights become zero.

However, you can turn off the copying of user rights - themoved files will then simply keep their previous rights:
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