How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

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How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *MaxX »

I have 9.22a final installed for now.
Does internal help contain ALL new features?
How can I find all of new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta? (Added after 9.22a final)
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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *sqa_wizard »

Just open "history.txt" file in an editor and search for lines with "Added:" and "wincmd.ini".

Another comfortable way I use: TC Changes Viewer
Just "Search - Find" with :

Code: Select all

Find what: "wincmd.ini"
 [x] Additions
 [x ]Match whole word only

Press "Find All" button
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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *MaxX »

Hm… I was expecting something like just a list of them should exist.

Well, let it be here now. There are wincmd.ini changes only.
08.01.20 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 12
07.01.20 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ForceDarkModeOptions=2: Same as 3, but use dark title bar (32/64)[/b]
07.01.20 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ForceDarkModeOptions=3 disables Windows 10-specific dark mode functions and uses compatibility mode from older versions (32/64)[/b]
27.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 7
26.11.19 Added: Always show borders around file lists in dark mode. Can be disabled via wincmd.ini [Layout] DarkListBorders=0 (not used for classic theme) (32/64)[/b]
26.11.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] DriveBarHide=; hides USB devices without drive letter from drive button bar (32/64)[/b]
13.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 5
13.11.19 Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] ScrollingMarginFlags=3 determines whether: 1: vertical lists (e.g. Full view), or 2: horizontal lists (Brief view) should be scrolled automatically, or both (32/64)[/b]
30.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 3
28.10.19 Added: New option in wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryCut=1 Cuts history after current entry when in the middle of the history and the user goes to a different directory (32/64)[/b]
16.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1
29.07.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryLenStored= set maximum number of entries in history to be stored to wincmd.ini [LeftHistory] and [RightHistory]. Default=200 on NT based systems, same as HistoryLen on 9x/ME due to limited max ini size (32/64)[/b]
16.07.19 Added: Compare by content: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MaxCompareSizeInMem=1048576 size limit for files which are loaded completely in memory for comparison. Larger files are mapped into memory (file mapping) (32/64)[/b]
15.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1, HistoryThinningDelta=0 enables thinning only when user starts some operation in the directory, not by timeout (32/64)[/b]
15.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1/0 turns thinning on and off without changing the value of the timeout (32/64)[/b]
09.07.19 Added: Drive dropdown list, drive buttonbar: Show "eject" overlay over drive icon from Explorer for external USB harddisks. Enable/Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] CheckUsbHdd=1/0 (32/64)[/b]
08.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinningDelta=5000 defaults to 5 seconds the user must stay in a directory to keep it in the history (32/64)[/b]
24.06.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] InheritCaseSensitiveDir=1: If a folder has "case sensitive names" option set, inherit it when creating new folder inside. 0=off, 1=on, 2=on also when needing admin rights (tcmadmin) (32/64)[/b]
15.05.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 1 pre 1
10.05.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] OverrideCodepage=-1 set default codepage for ZIP archives manually (32/64)[/b]
30.04.19 Added: F5 copy dialog: Insert target paths from wincmd.ini section [TargetList], e.g. 0=c:\first target\ 1=d:\second target\ (32/64)[/b]
14.04.19 Added: Open files and run programs in file list from background thread if handle isn't needed. Disable with wincmd.ini [Configuration] OpenInThread=0 (32/64)[/b]
10.04.19 Added: Configure top/bottom margin when scrolling through file lists: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ScrollingTopMargin=4 ScrollingBottomMargin=4 (32/64)[/b]
27.01.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PathExtraHeight=-100: Set additional/reduced height of current path field (for 96dpi, scaled). Turns off automatic larger height on touch screens (32/64)[/b]
27.01.19 Added: Compare by content: Set color for underlined search results: Configuration - Options - Color - "Search results (underline)". wincmd.ini [Colors] CompareSearchLine= (32/64)[/b]
25.01.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickViewFollowLinks=1: Show contents of link target on Ctrl+Q: 0=off, 1=only network paths when source is also on net, 2=always (32/64)[/b]
23.01.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AssociationMultiVerbs=1: Internal associations: Enable multiple commands from all matching file types (32/64)[/b]
12.11.18 Added: wincmd.ini, resolution-specific section (e.g. [1920x1080 (8x16)], CursorPenWidth_96=0: Set width in pixels of the caret (current file cursor) in file lists for secondary screen with specific DPI value (needs Windows 10 creators update or newer) (32/64)[/b]
12.11.18 Added: wincmd.ini, resolution-specific section (e.g. [1920x1080 (8x16)], CursorPenWidth=0: Set width in pixels of the caret (current file cursor) in file lists: 0=thin, >0 value in pixels, automatically scaled with DPI (32/64)[/b]
25.07.18 Release Total Commander 9.21 release candidate 1 (32/64)
25.07.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PreventScrollbarCrash= enable function to prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times manually (32/64)[/b]
06.07.18 Added: Lister: Allow to set maximum line length for text when not using word wrap: wincmd.ini [Lister] unwrapwidth=1024 (uses more RAM for buffer for bigger numbers. Max. 16384) (32/64)[/b]
06.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 6 (32/64)
03.06.18 Added: Option to show/hide speed info in background thread: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundSpeed=2 : 0=name, 1=speed when available, 2=alternating (32/64)[/b]
03.06.18 Added: Option to disable the centering of the F7/Shift+F7 dialog over the active panel: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewFolderOverPanel=0 (32/64)[/b]
16.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 3 (32/64)
14.05.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=-1 turns off <Read error!> also on TC start when a directory is unavailable (32/64)[/b]
13.05.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] LowercaseStrings=English:a,an,the,at,by,for,in,of,on,to,from,up,and,as,but,or,nor,yet,so,vs set title and excepted words for "First of each word uppercase" (32/64)[/b]
03.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 1 (32/64)
20.04.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoRenameMode=3: Determines how files are auto-renamed when copying or in multi-rename tool. Sum of: 1: append number (x) separated by space, 2: start number at (2), not (1) (32/64)[/b]
04.04.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead (32/64)[/b]
13.03.18 Fixed: Files - Split files: Last used size wasn't remembered as default. Now saved in wincmd.ini [Configuration] SplitBytesPerFile (32/64)[/b]
12.03.18 Fixed: Files - Encode files: Options were not remembered when closing Total Commander. Store in wincmd.ini [Configuration] EncodeMethod=0..2 and EncodeLinesPerFile (32/64)[/b]
16.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 4 (32/64)
13.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheckBeta=1: If set together with AutoUpdateCheck=1, new beta versions will be reported even when using a final version (32/64)[/b]
13.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RestoreSize=0 prevents TC from restoring to saved size when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE or WM_DPICHANGED message (32/64)[/b]
10.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] useshellconnect=-1 uses own user name and password dialogs for PCs where WNetAddConnection3 crashes (32/64)[/b]
27.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.11 release candidate 1 (32/64)
26.10.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconOverlaysOneDrive=1/0: Enable/disable cloud overlay icons for OneDrive files which are only available online (32/64)[/b]
10.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 3 (private beta) (32/64)
08.09.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] set TranslateMessageButtons=0 to NOT translate buttons in MessageBox windows to current Total Commander language (e.g. Shift+Delete) (32/64)[/b]
06.09.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MftAllowed=0 By default, access to drive:\$MFT and below will be blocked, to prevent a Windows crash. Do not enable unless you have changed the permissions of $MFT to access it (32/64)[/b]
28.08.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 1 pre 1 (private beta) (32/64)
10.07.17 Fixed: Buttonbar: limiting the number of button bar lines with wincmd.ini [buttonbar] barlimitlines=x didn't work when vertical button bar was active (32/64)[/b]
07.05.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ChecksumExtraTypes=*.sum adds extra patterns to recognize as checksum files for menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)[/b]
26.04.17 Added: Enable/disable crypto API for checksums manually: wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseChecksumCryptoApi= 0:disabled, 1:enabled (except when faulty on XP/2003), 2:force also when faulty (32/64)[/b]
24.04.17 Added: Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off): wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontQuality= 0:DEFAULT, 3:NONANTIALIASED, 4:ANTIALIASED, 5:CLEARTYPE, 6:CLEARTYPE_NATURAL (32/64)[/b]
23.04.17 Added: Quick search with search dialog/quick filter: allow to enter/paste a search text leading to 0 matching files: wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 (32/64)[/b]
06.01.17 Added: Show extra text in the title bar in front of or behind the normal title: wincmd.ini [Configuration] TitleExtraText= *text in front, -text same but without instance number, $text behind (32/64)[/b]
14.12.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a final (32/64)
08.12.16 Fixed: In rare cases, TC may start with empty file panels. To fix, add to wincmd.ini [Configuration] FixEmptyPanel=1 (32/64)[/b]
08.12.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 3 (32/64)
06.12.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SkippedFileCopy=100 or more: Option to set a different delay (in ms) at start of a file operation during which a user can be asked whether he wants to overwrite a file (32/64)[/b]
06.12.16 Fixed: Delay-load Windows drive icons when not using the drive buttonbar. Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] LoadDriveIconsInBackground=0 (32/64)[/b]
30.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 1 (32/64)
27.11.16 Added: Everything: Support named instances (Everything.exe -instance "somename"): wincmd.ini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=somename (32/64)[/b]
26.10.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 release candidate 3 (RC3) (32/64)
26.10.16 Fixed: Use old file list icons from TC8.x when wincmd.ini contains IconLib=filename.dll even if the linked name is invalid, otherwise the user cannot switch between old and new icons via settings (32/64)[/b]
12.10.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 release candidate 1 (RC1) (32/64)
12.10.16 Added: Lister: Store position separately for separate quick view (Ctrl+Shift+Q): wincmd.ini [Lister] QuickX,QuickY,QuickDx,QuickDy, QuickMaximized (32/64)[/b]
07.09.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 13 (32/64)
07.09.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PopupDelay=500 delay in milliseconds after pressing right mouse button until context menu is shown (shorter right click or click+drag just selects file) (32/64)[/b]
05.09.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ReplacePhotoApp=0 turns off replacement of photo app by Windows Photo Viewer (32/64)[/b]
04.09.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BitlockerAlwaysDecrypt=1 always shows Bitlocker password dialog when trying to access a bitlocker-encrypted drive (32/64)[/b]
31.08.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 12 (32/64)
30.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CountMarkedBackground=0 disables second progress bar in background transfer manager (32/64)[/b]
17.08.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 10 (32/64)
17.08.16 Fixed: Write SetEncoding=дц.do.not.remove to wincmd.ini [Configuration] on load, to prevent notepad from opening/saving the file as UTF-8 when it contains UTF-8 encoded parts (32/64)[/b]
10.08.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 9 (32/64)
10.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowHiddenSystemOverlay=1/0 show exclamation mark overlay for hidden and system files/folders (32/64)[/b]
10.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowHiddenDimmed=1/0 show hidden files/folders with dimmed icon (32/64)[/b]
09.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MultiRenameUndoHistoryLen=20 set number of Undo steps in multi-rename tool. =0 disables Undo (32/64)[/b]
20.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 6 (32/64)
20.07.16 Added: Set color of currently active tab, overrides any view mode tab colors: wincmd.ini [Colors] ActiveTabColor=RGB value (32/64)[/b]
13.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 5 (32/64)
10.07.16 Fixed: wciconex.dll was ignored even when DefaultLib wasn't set in wincmd.ini. Will be used if DefaultLib empty or DefaultLib=wcmicons.dll (32/64)[/b]
06.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 4 (32/64)
28.06.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] Everything=Everything.exe set location of everything to run when it's not running, and TC checks "Everything" checkbox (32/64)[/b]
15.06.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 2 (32/64)
10.06.16 Added: Use drive icons from TC 8.x and older: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OldDriveIcons=2 Note: this disables drive icons in the tab titles (32/64)[/b]
08.06.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 1 (32/64)
08.06.16 Added: Ctrl+Q: Only enable viewing of readme files in archives which have default extensions (e.g. .zip): wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickViewUnzipReadMe=-1 (32/64)[/b]
29.04.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OpenUrls=0 turns off new feature to follow .url files to folders with TC (32/64)[/b]
26.04.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RenameUpDown=0 turns off jumping to previous/next file in the list with cursor up/down while renaming (32/64)[/b]
10.02.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SizeStyle1000=1 Show sizes with 1k=1000 byes, 1M=1000k etc. instead of 1k=1024b, 1M=1024k etc. Note: This doesn't affect the Properties dialog (Alt+Enter) because it's created by Explorer (32/64)[/b]
09.02.16 Added: Disable overwrite confirmation in sync: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0 (32/64)[/b]
27.01.16 Added: Automatic update check (experimental): wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheck=1 (all updates, or 2: no beta versions) (32/64)[/b]
19.01.16 Added: Shift+F4: Suggest user-defined name when cursor stands on a folder: wincmd.ini [Configuration] EditNewName=<name> (32/64)[/b]
19.01.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] NoPluginFileTypes=*.jpg *.avi Do not load the specified file types with a plugin, except when explicitly choosing Options - 4 (32/64)[/b]
19.01.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] NoMediaFileTypes=*.jpg *.avi Do not load the specified file types as video, audio, image, or with plugin, except when explicitly choosing Options - 4 (32/64)[/b]
17.01.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MediaRemote=-1 ignore keys received via WM_APPCOMMAND, even the browser buttons backward, forward, refresh, stop, favorites (32/64)[/b]
13.01.16 Added: Configure whether to see the 3 external devices: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowExtraDrives=4 in addition to 1 (My Computer) and 2 (My Documents) (32/64)[/b]
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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *Wilhelm M. »

@ sqa_wizard: Thanks a lot for the tip! Nice tool, this TC Changes Viewer. Tell me: why did I not find it myself? No, don't tell me... :)
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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *matixx »

I agree, nice Tool - nice tip.
Thank you.
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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *Phred »

I'm getting the error for 'TC Changes Viewer':

Run-time error: '339'

Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not
correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

I've run it as an admin and as an elevated admin.
This exists: "C:\Program Files\Total Commander\HISTORY.TXT"
Is 'TC Changes Viewer' still viable?
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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *Stefan2 »

Phred wrote: 2022-03-16, 08:15 UTC I'm getting the error for 'TC Changes Viewer':

Run-time error: '339'

Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not
correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

See >>

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Re: How can I find all new config parameters of TC 9.50 beta?

Post by *Phred »

Many thanks, Stephan2.
I got MSCOMCTL.OCX from nsp's link there
..that downloaded an exe.
His other link lower down downloaded an msi file that wouldn't respond to Ctrl PgDn in TC.

I copied (as an admin) the ocx file to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ - then tried 'TC Changes Viewer' again, and it worked immediately.
All I had to do was fix the ultra-tiny font in Options, and it is now fine.
Regards, PhredE
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