Small discrepancy in help for copy/move dialogs

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Small discrepancy in help for copy/move dialogs

Post by *AntonyD »

In current ver of HELP file we have this:
Press F5 a second time to select just the file name without path, and third time to select also its extension. Ctrl+Home places the cursor directly in front of the file name (behind the last "\").
for F5 (copy) form
And practice shows that it's also working: F4 - this opens the first combobox, F6 behaves like F5, F10 - opens 'directory tree ' (also it's strange that button has name 'Tree' in this case and not 'F10 Tree' - by analogy to the one on the left: 'F2 Queue')
Maybe we have another hidden supported shortcuts here?
The same for F6 (move) form. Quote from HELP:
Press F6 a second time to select just the file name without path, and third time to select also its extension.
So we have here a 'vice-versa' situation. F6 was mentioned, but F5 - which behaves like F6 - not. And the same for F10. And for Ctrl+Home.

Concerning 'F10 Tree' - as I understand it, I can’t even fix it for myself, because in the language string resources there is only a translation of a word / command 'Tree' (like 'Queue' for F2), and the keyboard combination seems to be substituted by the internal code.
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Re: Small discrepancy in help for copy/move dialogs

Post by *Sir_SiLvA »

F5 and F6 behave the same way because its the SAME dialog (form) you open with F5/F6!.

also it's strange that button has name 'Tree' in this case and not 'F10 Tree'
thats mayhaps TC is first and formost done in german and there the button for the tree is called "Verzeichnisbaum" and thus there is no space for F10

also if you want to write a to much help text file dont forget that alt & cursor down also opens the path combobox :-)
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