Folder help please (cm_GoToFirstEntry)

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Re: Folder help please (cm_GoToFirstEntry)

Post by *linuxy »

petermad wrote: 2023-06-22, 23:21 UTC
What is the advantage of adding that to the usercmd.ini file, instead of simply making a button and that's it?
If you look at the em_gotonewestdir command you will see that it uses em_hide_all - so at least the em_hide_all command has to be in the usercomd.ini file.

Instead of using em_gotonewestdir you can put that part directly in a button:

Code: Select all

cm_SaveSelection,cm_SwitchDirSort 2,cm_SrcUserSpec 8,cm_SrcByName 8,em_hide_all,cm_SrcByDateTime 2,cm_GoToFirstEntry,cm_SrcUserSpec 9,cm_SrcByName 9,cm_RestoreSelection

Go to newest folder

Instead of:

Code: Select all


Go to newest folder
The benefit by having em_gotonewestdir in usercmd.ini is that you can then make a keyboard shortcut to the command if you like to.
Wow. This advice was perfect. I made the keyboard shortcut and it's working perfect. Great workaround for TC not having the option I was hoping for. Thank you so much. I appreciate it so much.

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Re: Folder help please (cm_GoToFirstEntry)

Post by *linuxy »

petermad wrote: 2023-06-22, 22:04 UTC
Just to clarify, when you say "the newest file", does that mean like, the file that's been 'touched' most recently, i.e. the last file/folder to be moved into this location?
No it means the last Modified files (it is the modified date TC shows in Full View - as Do Explorer)

Because this button does not select the most recently moved file/folder, it must be looking at some other "date" value. Which date is it?
This button will go to the newest folder:

Code: Select all

/k "for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir /b /ad /o-d`) do start "" "%%COMMANDER_EXE%%" /O /S /P /L="%P%%f" & exit"
Go to newest folder

This will NOT work inside Archives, on FTP sites, and in Virtual folders.

Or you can put this code in your usercmd.ini file:

Code: Select all

cmd=cd |*

cmd=cm_SaveSelection,cm_SwitchDirSort 2,cm_SrcUserSpec 8,cm_SrcByName 8,em_hide_all,cm_SrcByDateTime 2,cm_GoToFirstEntry,cm_SrcUserSpec 9,cm_SrcByName 9,cm_RestoreSelection
menu=Go to newest folder
An then make a button with em_gotonewestdir in the Command field.
This will ALSO work inside Archives, on FTP sites, and in Virtual folders.
Hi friend I have a question please. If I wanted to modify your command (which works great) and instead of 'last Modified', can I have this run for 'last accessed'?

How can I simply modify your command to make TC "go to last accessed file or folder" instead of "last modified"?

Thank you so very much.
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Re: Folder help please (cm_GoToFirstEntry)

Post by *Horst.Epp »

There is no switch in the Dir command, nor any internal TC command to get the last accessed file or dir.
Maybe a custom column with the last accessed date.
Petermad's button may be amended by switching to this custom column first.
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Re: Folder help please (cm_GoToFirstEntry)

Post by *Stefan2 »

linuxy wrote: 2023-07-04, 15:02 UTC
How can I ..... make TC "go to last accessed file or folder" instead of "last modified"?
You could create and switch to a UserdefinedCustomColumn

There you can add sort able columns for:
and many more.

See my sig for links to how-to's...
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