SuSE Linux 8.2 using Wine successfully ran Total Commander

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SuSE Linux 8.2 using Wine successfully ran Total Commander

Post by *kriko »

Hey everybody,

I am new here. Haven't purchased lincense yet, because well, as I am a student I don't have enough income myself. But well, I like Total Commander alot :) It it absolutely the best file explorer in the world :D Atleast, I haven't found better one yet. I used Norton Commander alot years years ago, when I had IBM 386, oh well, and then later I discovered the magical Windows Commander :D

Well, I have read topics that you are trying to port it to Linux. But some days ago, I sucessfully installed SuSE Linux 8.2, well, I thought I would try it out. And I ran Total Commander ver 5.51 using WINE (the emulator). I personally didn't have to do much, just press some times yes and then it ran.

It sucessfully displayed the window and even the colors were right. It even showed the contents of the Windows hard drive, but not the Linux drive (ext3 formatted, I think). It was even able to log in to ftp :D If my memory is not lying to me :P Well, yes, I was able to connect to my ftp server and delete and rename some files there :D Only problem I noticed was the file selection, it seemed, when you move over the files with arrows, then it selects the file automatically, but I could select the files I needed with mouse :)

So I am really really happy about it, especially because you are still trying to port it. Now well, I hope it will be ported sucessfully to Linux. I am kinda Linux newbie. Haven't used it much, and I do get sick of it time to time, because I have been influenced with Windows for the last ugh, 6 years I think. Before that MS-DOS.

If I bother to reboot my computer back to Linux, then I will try to some screenshots if I can and maybe try to modify some files on my hdd.

My Windows C: drive is formatted in NTFS (WinXP) and D & E are FAT32. Because of the NTFS, I was afraid to change anything, I feared it destroying my files. Welll, but it did read the file tree allright :) And I could also see the fake win partition that wine created :)

Ugh, well, I wrote a pretty long story here. I suggest you all try it out for yourself. When I gather enough money to buy software, Total Commander will be my first :)

I really really like what you have done, and well, I wish you all well :)
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Post by *soreno »

I've tried the same thing a couple of months ago and had the same problem with selecting files with up/down arrow.

It would be nice if it was possible to use the ext2/3/reiserfs plugin to acces the Linux drive (I could not use the drive combobox)... - even better with write support! :-)
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Post by *kriko »

yup, but I think for some reason, that only the exe file is launched and none of the plugin or other files are acessed. or maybe they are, I really don't know. well, anyway, It just would be perfect if I could move to Linux.

At the moment, things why I don't move to linux are:
- Lack of a good file manager (Total Commander)
- Wierd design, will try to get over it.
- Lack of a good php/text editor.
- Lack of a good ftp client, I think.
- Mom's accounting prog only works under Win.
- Time & will.
Kristjan aka. kriko
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Post by *soreno »

Doesn't Mom's accounting prog work with WINE ?

>>Wierd design, will try to get over it.
widgets can be replaced - you can have your desktop look (almost) like Windows.

>>Lack of a good php/text editor.
gvim or emacs are very good but not very intuitive.

>>Lack of a good ftp client, I think.
This is where Total Commander for Linux enters.. hopefylly. Until then filezilla has been my favorite.
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Post by *Hacker »

Lack of a good file manager

For the time being I'd recommend Krusader ( ).

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Post by *kriko »

Doesn't Mom's accounting prog work with WINE ?
Nope, I even hard time getting it work with WindowsXP. It is probably the worst prog I have ever seen. And the authors just drink money.

Well, linux has a way of exhausting me out :(
For the time being I'd recommend Krusader ( ).
yup, I found it couple of topics back. but.. I still don't like the way it looks. in linux, everything seems unpratically large to me, I want small decent font :)

but thanks for the replys, I see you have got a quite fast working forum here :)
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Post by *Hacker »

still don't like the way it looks. in linux, everything seems unpratically large to me, I want small decent font

I am sure you can change it.

but thanks for the replys, I see you have got a quite fast working forum here

It's more the users than the forum. :)

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *kriko »

yeah, I forgot the word users from the sentance :(

ugh, well, anyway, I just must take a hold of myself and make linux look the way I like it. Also, I think I should install a Debian based distro, because rpm's are a real hell. "apt-get install something" is they way I like it more :)
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Post by *Hacker »

What do you not like about RPMs?

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Post by *kriko »

well, the compatibility. I didn't have problems before, but now when I am facing the same things as some of my classmates (big linux gurus) the thing is, for example, you need to install a prog, now for that, you need another rpm, what needs antoher and the antoher one needs a kernel update. well, altho, in case of suse, it has yast, which is pretty nice.

but, I have faced the thing, I downloaded MC rpm, then installed it, it asked for the 3th cd to install it, I mean like, well, I downloaded it, what more can it want, can't it just download it from the net as debian does, I don't want to get the cd out of the case and then put it in and so on.

// I know we are getting offtopic here, but ugh, I am here for the first time and can't help it, and this place doesn't seem to have a Off Topic Banter forum as some other places do :)
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Post by *Hacker »

Yes, the depndencies can be a real pain (just like windows' DLLs or the like), but Mandrake's urpmi or Software manager handles them well... unfortunately I do not have an internet connection at home so sometimes I just give up on a program. :)

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Post by *kriko »

oh, well, here I have a shared 10Mbit/s connection, so it is usually faster for me to dl it from the net rather than install it from a cd.

but I will surely try the Mandrake 9 out, I have tryed RedHat9 but it was soo slow. SuSE 8.2 is actully a bit faster than WindowsXP without special design.

well, I will put Mandrake9 to download :)
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Post by *Zenox »

Pretty OT, but got to answer anyways:

- Lack of a good file manager (Total Commander)

Try Gnome Commander or X Northern Captain (xnc). Not as good as TC, but is fully usable though.

- Lack of a good php/text editor.

I've been searching for this a long time too. Kate is the way to go. Darn good texteditor, kind of like Ultra Edit for Windows. Just config it a bit and you're ready to go.

Btw, I'm only running Debian nowadays. Tried almost every other distro out there (the big ones anyways), but the
Debian packagesystem (apt) owns them all. Using Synaptic or Aptitude to control all installed apps etc. There's just no competition.
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Post by *kriko »

yes. I completely agree with you on Debian :)

just the last time I got it installed with the help of a friend/linux pro. very interesting things happened :) well, after the install, reboot, and infinite loop of the "4040404040404040" code. and then when we got it installed and lilo was okay. then unable to start x-window because of my vid card, ati radeon 7500 (on shappire card, le variant).

you can read about my linux adventures from my site :) but yeah. so far I have tryed, in order of installation time:
mandrake 7, debian (not sucessfully), xandros (sucesfully, but it's sh**), redhat 9 (slow), suse 8.2 (fine, I think I need to get this back if debian fails again), mandrake 9.1 (i just don't like it). and also I have knoippix (cd linux). and just downloaded Lycoris linux, well, I'll see what it's like.

about kate, yep, I will see about it, haven't used it much. in windows I use editplus clones.
Kristjan aka. kriko
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