Search - improvement suggestions

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Black Dog
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Post by *Black Dog »

[face=courier]On 07-05-2003 00:40:16 +0000 JackFoo wrote:

J> I can only guess it was taken from email syntax...

In God's sake, how is it related with "user at domain" (e-mail syntax)?!

J> though how it became @someone instead of someone@ I
J> have no idea

Humani erata est (sorry for my bad Latin, haven't enough practice last time... ;))...

J> but using @name seams appropriate (to me)

Well, I suppose this construction absolutely senseless, actually... And do not process such a "references" - sorry, wrong syntax ;).

J> I know you didn't, so how's the wench (kidding)

Is it a question or what? :D[/face]
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Post by *JackFoo »

In God's sake, how is it related with "user at domain" (e-mail syntax)?!
u@d gives a virtual address to that person, so I guess @name tries to simulate the same. Perhaps @_name_ means "addressed at _name_".
Well, I suppose this construction absolutely senseless, actually... And do not process such a "references" - sorry, wrong syntax
Everyone and his quirks, I for instance can't stand these yellow critters (emotiBLOODYcons) everyone seems so fond of... What a stupid invention.
Is it a question or what?
It was, (heh), now it became a joke.

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Search - improvement suggestions


I suggest a useful (for me) improvement: the possibility to search the files which contains "some text" and|or "another text".

For the first option ("and"), I know: I can search for files wich contains the words "some text", then I use the button "feed to list box", then I select all the files, and I do a new search anly in Selected files for the words "another text", but this don't works if the first search is made into archives.

Someone knows if I can to make this with Total Commander? Or, someone knows a software with this feature?.

Thanks a lot for your help.
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Post by *Hacker »

Some people here recommended Agent Ransack - .

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Use RegEx to search for one OR other word

Post by *Hammillian7 »

I think to remember that marking RegEx can be used to search for one OR other word: word1 | word2 (maybe enclosed in parenthesis).

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