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FTP Connect Window

Posted: 2007-06-12, 10:37 UTC
by sageman
Hi there,

first off - thanks for the best file browser there is - on any platform! I wish I could port it on my MAC.

One little request that would help me with my work. I use the commander for pretty much anything ;) but mainly to connect to different Webservers and Hosts per FTP Connect.

It would be great if the FTP-Connect Window would get a Search/Filter function and the ability to create Folders...
Also, it would be cool to be able to save other infos, Customer name, Phone etc. - possibly in a tooltip style window !

It is becoming very hard to find an account since I administer over 350 connections now. I helped myself with numbering the accounts, but - See screenshot:

Edit : since this is my first post - I was denied posting a URL - I'll come back in three days ;)

Best Regards,
Richard Dvorak, Tübingen, Germany

Re: FTP Connect Window

Posted: 2007-06-12, 12:38 UTC
by StatusQuo
sageman wrote:It would be great if the FTP-Connect Window would get a Search/Filter function
With the present functions there's a little help, similar to quick search: you can start to type the connection name and the cursor jumps to the first entry that fits what you typed. But this is not as good as the real quick search, because the cursor keys don't jump to only fitting entries afterwards.

So I agree, a new filter function could help here. Maybe in Firefox bookmarks style: one text box above, reducing the list to only matching entries.
sageman wrote:and the ability to create Folders...
Support, I could imagine the style like directory hotlist (Ctrl-D) here.

Re: FTP Connect Window

Posted: 2007-06-12, 14:53 UTC
by sageman
StatusQuo wrote:With the present functions there's a little help, similar to quick search: you can start to type the connection name and the cursor jumps to the first entry that fits what you typed ...
Thanks, I was using that function - but not since I have named all entries by assigning running numbers, like so:


001 - being the number of the webserver (assigend manually by overall importance)
web01 - the webspace-name on the server (this helps me find it on a pert. server root)
domain-name - customer or domainname
remark - well, often you have different points you need quick access to, like for Joomla I use Remote Dir to be able to jump betweeen templates and the config file.

So - this does not really help me.

Also, I use this list to find customers I did not work on for a while - all accounts I admin are mirrored on one of my harddrives, named this same way, and of course using Local Dir . This saves me lots of searching.

Plus - a lot of times customers call and expect my to change something while we talk - I can't exactly tell them, Oh, sorry, I forgot where your stupid little site is located. And you know how it is when you are in the midst of working on some large project.

Even my accounting and invoices are linked to this, down to my invoices being named that way.

So, you can see - this would be extremely helpful ;)

Re: FTP Connect Window

Posted: 2007-06-12, 19:44 UTC
by StatusQuo
sageman wrote:So, you can see - this would be extremely helpful ;)
Yes, I see.
As a workaround for the meantime you can let a batch file do the filtering for you (you'll need MS's FIND.EXE available on your system for this to work):

Code: Select all

@type %windir%\wcx_ftp.ini|find.exe "%*"|find.exe "="|find.exe /v /i "host="&pause
  • Copy&Paste this into a text editor and save it as a batch file (i.e. FindFTP.BAT;
    do NOT name it "FTPFind.BAT" because of a bug in TC, starting everything beginning with "ftp" in the webbrowser; I'll check/report this later).
    Maybe you'll have to adjust the path/name of the WCX_FTP.INI, if it's in a different location on your system (I didn't find a way to autodetect its name).
It will list you all lines of the WCX_FTP.INI containing the text you entered as parameter. So you can enter in (TC's) command line

Code: Select all

and get back i.e.
Press any key to continue...
Does that help a little?

EDIT: The problem with file names starting with "ftp" is discussed (among others) here.

Posted: 2007-06-12, 20:49 UTC
by sageman
As a workaround for the meantime...
Status Quo - let me call you scriptmaster from now on.

Thank you! yes, this does help.

One more question:
The results show the ID No. in front of the result.
Like 145=050_web12_dummydomain_remark

Is there a way to show this ID inside the FTP Connect Window?

I am better with remembering numbers rather then names and it would be easier to spot those

Posted: 2007-06-12, 21:04 UTC
by StatusQuo
sageman wrote:The results show the ID No. in front of the result.
Like 145=050_web12_dummydomain_remark

Is there a way to show this ID inside the FTP Connect Window?
None that I know of, sorry. Somebody else?
sageman wrote:I am better with remembering numbers rather then names and it would be easier to spot those
Hm, these internal connection numbers are auto-generated normally.
But if displaying them helps you, too, this is perhaps another suggestion for a future version (would have to be clarified, where and how to display)?