I've created an icon set for use with Total Commander's Button Bar.
This icon set is based on Arvid Axelsson's Qute theme for an old Firefox version.
Additional icons are created by me (X-Byte)
The icon set is provided with a sample Button Bar file for easy installation & use. Also comes with a TC7+ compatible .inc file for easy command association.
Read the included X-Qute_ReadMe.txt for further information on usage and installation!
The icons are created for use with Windows 8/7/XP/2000 (alpha channel) with
32x32 pixel and 16x16 pixel which also scale nice at 24x24 pixel.
I can provide larger scaled versions of the icons if there's a special need for that.
If you need additional button icons, feel free to request them here in this thread.
Latest changes
Code: Select all
1.60 [2013-03-20]
- New icons added [6]
- Open directory in new tab (cm_OpenDirInNewTab)
- Open context menu (cm_ContextMenu)
- Open directory (cm_GoToDir)
- Swap panels (cm_Exchange)
- Android Device (no command available)
- iPhone Device (no command available)
Screenshot: Image: http://www.totalcmd.net/files/X-Qute-Screenshot.png
X-Qute 1.60