It's time to release TC 9.0?

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Tabs close

Post by *Phr3d »

Is there any way to defeat the double-clik/middle-clik closes open tabs, searched wiki, but didn't see anything. Thanks!

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Post by *MVV »

Please create separate topic in this forum, don't ask such things here.
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Post by *Tanker Bob »

seb- wrote: Tl;dr: linux port please.
I agree. I left Windows years ago for Linux. I use Krusader even under Unity in Ubuntu because the functionality is similar to TC. I still use TC at work, church, and in my Win 8.1 virtual machine (all registered separately), but it would be very nice to have a direct Linux port. I'd be happy to pay a new registration fee for it.
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want to introduce TC to my 66 yr old mother

Post by *pcitrus »

Every little feature counts!

My suggestions:

(1) clear history button/command

(2) easier way to customize shortcut keys displayed on the bottom: F3,F4,F5-F8...
I copied other users' lines of commands into the configuration file and changed F2, never used F8 (there's a delete button on the keyboard, why use F8). But let's make it easier.

(3) I use "everything" along with TC, but never quite figured out which lines of commands to add to the configuration file. Wish TC would add a search function similar to everything.


(4) can't live without quicksearch! Love it love it.

(5) Been trying to teach my 66 yr old mother how to use TC - as I can't stand watching her having to click so many more times in order to copy photos from one folder to another in "My computer". But it really takes practice. Implementing the above #2 & #3 will definitely make it easier for more people to adopt TC.

(6) I use TC, therefore I don't have to suffer from Repetitive strain injury.
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Post by *HolgerK »

(3) I use "everything" along with TC, but never quite figured out which lines of commands to add to the configuration file. Wish TC would add a search function similar to everything.
Already on the way:

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Post by *fenix_productions »

I've just recalled my very old request*:

please make hidden files settings consistent.

After all those years this is still very annoying that even if I don't choose to hide hidden files/folders in panels, TC insist to show them in Trees.

Ignore list is not solution for it.

*) can't find it here, maybe it was on beta forum.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Just use the separate tree panels, not the Alt+F10 tree. The latter reads the directories from a plain text cache file, where TC can't store the attributes.
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Post by *fenix_productions »

Separate tree still shows hidden folders for me:

What I propose is extending such text cache with additional symbols for attributes (i.e. hidden elements could start with :).

It may not be compatible with old TC versions but why would anyone share new treeinfo*.wc files with them?
For such case it could also be an option to either use old caching or new one (old as default).
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Post by *xmeron »

I'm not yet sure what I should add to TC 9. There have been thousands of small suggestions
Time is flying, and all kinds of file managers are developing, actually there are still a lot of functions which can/may add to TC. Every several years, a new idea or a new application method grows out, a very typical example is Everything, so we need to catch up with the development.

There are many replies in this thread, I am not sure if it has already been mentioned, but I still want to suggest the Virtual Folder function one more time. For me, 3 most used functions in Virtual Folder are as below:
1. Rename/Multi-Rename all virtual files with virtual/physical position together.
2. View/Cycle View all virtual files in full screen mode;
3. Pack selected virtual files/folders to a zipped package then e-mail out.
Sometimes I use Virtual Panel (Thanks for MVV's great work :D), but most of time I have to switch to other file manager to complete the operations. Virtual Folder function is a so powerful, so useful and so convenient function, so as so many people suggested this function in this forum over ten years before, and this function also exists in other FM about ten years.

If someone organizes a poll of If TC will release a final end version, which ONE FUNCTION do you wish to add? or organize a poll of Which ONE FUNCTION let you have to switch to other FM to operate? I will vote for Virtual Folder, because thousands of other small suggestions are just minor improvements, but Virtual Folder function is nearly missing.
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Post by *MiloW »

I am really happy that this community can also talk about changes and not only troll someone who is yearning for them.

Christian, the fact that you see "thousands of suggestions" is probably the sign of you not being organized with the way TC should be developing. I might not have the necessary info (I probably don't) but IMO you should create a small group of people in order to discuss things and then post any polls or ideas openly. Talking about everything at once doesn't make much sens. You will still be left with "thousands of suggestions".

And another thought is that you should divide people into teams which would work on different stuff. Example: programmers will not want to make changes in the GUI as they probably love it. New people, the Generation Y people will hate the GUI but don't care about programing. Maybe an advanced mode is the solution? Clear configuration another one?

Really, TC doesn't deserve leaving users with configurations like "create a registry like blabla.gaoegddg=qwroknqwgwqg in some file blabla.ini" etc.

Of course, if you don't want to develop and move on... just leave it this hard way, the UNIX way like it is... and Windows 98 way...

And what's more... you have Windows 10 coming so you shouldn't count on people not switching to new Windows as it might be a loooot better than Win8. And there comes the TOUCH which sucks BIG time in today's TC...
fenix_productions wrote:2korg250
Please take a look here:

Long ago I had made "UI version of TC" for fun. It looked bad and I can only agree with Lefteous in this regard.
This is actually pretty nice. Current TC is like Office 2003. Your idea is Office 2007. Now let's make the MODERN FREAKING TC : )
Lefteous wrote:It doesn't matter how easy things can be found in a ribbon UI. It's so damn U G L Y ! :evil: All kind of controls are places in different sizes and in a really chaotic layout.

I think just menu buttons and split buttons would do the job.
Thank you for your opinion but it doesn't do anything good. Design shouldn't be guided with opinions but facts and functional ideas.
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Post by *syntech »

Flint wrote:Here's another function requested several times earlier: more flexible directory comparison.

I wanted to post that, too, so I'll leave this out and add my suggestion to also improve the file compare functionality, which is also very basic IMO.

File comparison improvements I'd like to see (sorted by importance):

- filters/reg-ex to include/exclude/restrict the content to be compared*
- Anchors to re-align the rows*
- custom colors
- show difference of the highlighted row at the botton of the screen
- Bookmarks
- picture compare
- registry compare as featured in Beyond Compare (a colleague mentioned this to be a killer feature for him)
- 3 files compare... :idea:

*Most important feates for me, because I often have to compare custom log files with leading (and different) timestamps (which are sometimes missing, hence the reg-ex option) and other stuff like certain flags, etc. which should be ignored or restricted to.

And of course, it should handle very large files (several hundred thousand rows) very fast. :wink:

ATM I have to use the following programs instead (which took me some time to find):
Compare it! & Synchoronise it! and Beyond Compare is also a very nice compare tool with useful featues. But what they have in common is, that they are seperate tools!

I do understand that TC is not the swiss army knife for all needs, but since it features compare functionality for files and folders, why not improve this area and make it really useful?

edit: typo
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Post by *sticazzi »

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Post by *trevor12 »

I think that core TC, that is every release of TC driven by Mr. Ghisler could be in relations to this : "keep it small, keep it simple, rock stable, details matters"

BUT: I wish to Mr. Ghisler developed some "magic API" around this core release so that as many as possible volunteers, developers will be able contribute with work of Mr. Ghisler and build on this core "almost everything possible and thinkable limited only imagination of creators" as is suggested in this thread and on other places and it will be on each individual user of TC what will be used or not, compare pros and cons ... simplicity or complexity ....but I am not developer so maybe my dream about "open API" is naive ...

and here is one feature that I missed for a long time, requested repeately, maybe challenge for developers building features above "open API" of core TC:
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Post by *jberry910 »

I have used TC since the 90's. I use many features, but feel that I use less than 25% of its potential. I have tried other File Managers, but remain a loyal TC user. I have not seen anything that is as rock solid and well rounded as TC.

As a programmer and as a user I understand that not everyone will be pleased with new releases. I too have minor changes I would like to see; however, I completely trust that the next release will be great.

I am very happy about the addition of Everything and look forward to the tight integration.

Thank you for a great product.
Central Illinois, USA
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